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Country Over Party

Hillary Clinton is the best candidate for all Americans.

Country Over Party

November 8th, a day that will let the United States show what direction it wants to go in. This Presidential election is different for quite a few reasons. High unpopularity ratings among major party candidates; a stronger than normal third party presence. Whether you are a Republican,Democrat, or an Independent the choice for President is clear. It needs to be Hillary Clinton. If you’re a Republican this on the surface might seem crazy. Hear me out, this is not a normal election.

When you ask yourself who has the experience necessary for the Presidency, Clinton is the only one that has it. When you ask yourself who shows the necessary and consistent understanding over the issues today, whether or not you agree with the policy stances, she still undoubtedly understands the issues at hand. That is more than can be said for the other two candidates. Donald Trump consistently avoids detailed policy discussions. When cornered into such a discussion he stumbles, he generalizes, and worst of all he lies on the spot. There is no policy plan that he has presented that withstands the smallest amount of scrutiny from economists and foreign policy experts. His campaign goes out of their way to discredit these people and their ability. You have to eventually ask yourself are all these experts wrong or is it the candidate. You have to ask yourself where is the line in the sand in which a member of your party loses your vote. Is it racism? He checks that box. Is it sexism? He checks that box. Is it discrimination based on where you are from or the religion that you affiliate with? He checks that box. Maybe sexual assault accusations it the line for you. 11 women have now came out accusing him. The Supreme Court seat is no longer an excuse.

The Economist, rated Donald Trump being elected the 12th worst thing that could happen to the global economy. His election is tied with the expansion of jihadi terrorism in the middle east destabilizing the global economy. He is a clear and present danger to the United States. It’s no mistake that George H.W Bush is voting for her. It’s no mistake that so many Republican officials can’t support Donald. To be frank, there is a competency issue with him.

Donald Trump does not believe in climate change. He’s not the only Republican that feels this way. However, Donald goes the extra mile and says that the theory is made up by the Chinese to make the U.S manufacturing non competitive. To quote President Obama “Donald isn’t really a facts guy”. Clinton in contrast recognizes climate change as a legitimate threat. She has a clean energy plan that will create jobs.

Each vote matters more than ever this election. This is not the time for a protest vote, this is not the time to stay home. Imagine waking up November 9th you wake up turn on the T.V, or check Twitter or Facebook and see the headline “Trump Wins Election”. You thought that there was no way this man could win so you stayed home. Now you have to deal with the repercussions for four years of him. Four years of uneducated policy decisions, four years of discrimination, and four years of policy changes that will last past his presidency. Vote for Hillary because you know America is already great. Vote for Hillary because you know she is actually prepared for office. Finally, vote for Hillary because our generation more than any other can stand against racism,discrimination, and bullying; while voting for progress, equality and that we really are stronger together.

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