I personally have a huge range of music genres that I enjoy listening to. But, no matter what my response to “what's your favorite type of music” is without a doubt country. People make fun of me for liking country music. I am not sure why, because to me country music is the best thing ever. Country music is completely relatable. Talking about hanging out with friends, falling in love, or even something as simple as living in a small town, everyone can relate to country music. It is not all about boots, trucks and beer (not that I mind the beer part).
Country music is music written for “common people.” Country artists do not sing about waking up in a Bugatti or having a glock in their ‘rarri. They write about common, normal, everyday kind of things. The country artists are people that you can relate to, normal everyday folks just living their life. They don’t wear huge chains and grills on their teeth, or barely any clothes at all. Country music is nothing like the “popular” music of today, which only talks about sex, money and drugs. Honestly, listening to the radio nowadays makes me uncomfortable, unless I am listening to the local country station.
The popular music of today is not something that I would listen to with my grandparents or something that I would want my future children to listen to. I think that it sets a bad example for young people today. Country music is family friendly (for the most part). The songs are catchy and are easily sung along to, unlike pop, hip hop or rap where you can’t even understand what is being said. Sure, popular music is fun to listen to on occasion, but country will always be my go to. Not to mention going to country music concerts are amazing. They are so much fun and the people are awesome. There is nothing better on a nice summer night than a cold beer, a good group of friends and some country. No matter what I will always love to listen to country music and no one can ever stop me.