The counter-culture of the 60s was a critical point in history that would eventually determine the trajectory of American values and the structure of society. The 60s were a time when the youth of America began to reject the looming war, corrupt government, and racial and social injustice by going against the already established culturally accepted norms. Most notably, it was a time for "hippies" and rebellion, and every aspect of American life was littered with newly formed ideologies.
Everything from haircuts to politics became infested with the influence of youth rebellion. It was a time to openly explore and express oneself through the vessel of the masses. With a whole generation of people going against the norm, change seemed like a more feasible concept. Although social media outlets and mass movements were not nearly as big back then as they are today, reconstruction of society still found a way.
Now, almost 50 years later, it seems as though history is starting to repeat itself.
Corruption in politics has been an ongoing trend in America's government since its conception, but it seems as though the youth of today is starting to put its foot down. Teens and young adults are no longer standing for the oppressive regulations that are imposed on them and instead turn to peaceful protests as rebellion. The 2nd amendment, in particular, has spun our generation into a tizzy most notably, as states around the country have pushed for stricter laws and even stronger regulations within academic institutions. Likewise, the potential for nuclear war has pushed teens to take more action against its prevention in hopes of attaining more peace.
Unfortunately, racial and social injustice within society has not been laid to rest. It seems as though every time you visit a social media site, there is news of the latest police brutality crime and even unfair treatment towards the LGBTQ community. Rallies, protests, and movements have defied this unfair treatment though as the masses are beginning to create change within these communities. National Pride Parades, Black Lives Matter, and the Me Too movements mirror those of the 60s. Although the times have changed, the overall message has not.
Media of all kinds also support this rebirthed teen angst. Lyrics similar "fuck 12," "blue lives don't matter," and "everybody is equal" litter the hip-hop, EDM, and alternative scenes of music. Movies have started to embellish these movements by bringing real-life events to the big screen in hopes of raising awareness towards the exponentially increasing unrest within the country.
Small actions that young adults make in their everyday lives also wreak of teen spirit as well. Clothing, hairstyles, and makeup containing tie-dye, flowers, and bright colors prove to be a prominent feature of the physical society. Additionally, increased drug use amongst teens is a common staple of our era. Marijuana, although it never left, is making its greatest comeback ever as many people are beginning to advocate for its medical benefits and legalization. Microdosing on pscilosiben as a way to treat anxiety and depression is also a new development in the works.
As it turns out, teens and adults just want to have fun. Summer has become a 3-month period where the youth can release of all this built up anger. Large music festivals, similar to those of Woodstock, are duplicating at an incredible rate while simultaneously becoming a place of communion. The care-free attitude that is present at these events symbolizes the overall objective of the rising rebellion: freedom of expression and peace. Spontaneously road trips, making money from odd jobs and spending time on social media are outlets of fun where rules don't apply.
These along with many other aspects of American life are proving to mirror the counter-culture that was present in the 60's; only with a modern twist. Social media has been the biggest influencer of this change as this information is now available at a moments notice. The use of these outlets makes our idea of change a little more achievable too, and even creates a glimmer of hope for the future. There's no telling what or who we will be as a nation in 50 years time, but at least we are learning from the last 50 years of mistakes in order to create the best outcome of change we possibly can.