As one year comes to a close and the next is just arriving, people everywhere come up with New Year's resolutions in order to change something about their lives. It's the perfect time to do it, since a new year is a clean slate: untouched by mistakes, regrets, or scars. However, it's no secret that these resolutions are difficult to maintain, and because of this, they're rarely continued throughout the entire year. The only issue with resolutions is that, in order to maintain one, you must force it into becoming a habit of your daily life. Yes, it takes determination, but with the right resolution and the right amount of willpower, it can be done.
The process of selecting a resolution is a difficult task itself. Each resolution you decide on should not only be reasonable and matter to you, but should better your life and your character. Let this new year be motivation to step up and make some improvements.
In honor of the countdown that the whole world will be shouting during the last few seconds of this year, here's a list of 10 resolutions that you may want to consider:
10. Learn something new.
This may be the perfect opportunity to pick up a new hobby. Learn a new language, instrument, sport. Learn how to knit, bake, or draw. There are so many hobbies in this world that are interesting and exciting. They may take time to learn, but hey, you've got 365 days to do it.
9. Eat healthier and exercise more--not for a better body, but for a healthier one.
Let me start by saying this: If you're happy with the way your body looks, then as far as anyone else is concerned, you look perfect just the way you are. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. But eating healthier and exercising isn't always just about losing weight and looking better, it's about feeling better. You don't have to eat less, just healthier. You don't have to train for a marathon, just exercise 30 to 60 minutes a day. Just by doing these two things can elevate your overall mood, energize you, and reduce stress and anxiety. It's not about how you look, it's about how you feel.
8. Strive for greatness.
This would be where the common resolution of "getting all A's" would fall. Studying more often, taking good notes, and turning in all assignments on time would be the best way to go. Although this is a wonderful goal, greatness doesn't have to be just about GPA. Strive for greatness in your sport. Improve your skills in any hobby that you love. Beat your personal record of the number of books you read "just for fun" in a year. Greatness is whatever you make it. Tip: Don't get discouraged when you don't achieve the best possible result the first time. As long as you're trying your best, you're making an improvement.
7. Limit the amount of time you procrastinate.
Keyword: limit. Resolutions should be reasonable, and procrastination is a part of life (especially as a college student). Understand that there will still be those times where you absolutely cannot bear the thought of starting your homework or doing your laundry. However, try to minimize the amount of time you allow yourself to procrastinate. You'll get things done much faster, leaving you with more time to yourself afterward. Eventually, you may even reach the point where you hardly ever procrastinate before taking care of a responsibility.
6. Put others before yourself.
With our busy lives, sometimes it becomes difficult to think about anything besides our schedules and our own situations. But putting others before ourselves doesn't just make someone happy--you'll feel good about yourself, as well. It's a win-win. Perform random acts of kindness, take time to help someone with their homework, or allow someone to go first in line. Treat others the way you want to be treated, and you'll find that others will return the favor. Try making it your goal to be the reason someone smiles at least once a day.
5. Say "yes" more often to new opportunities.
If someone asks you to be a part of a student senate committee, try it out. If you get invited to a party where you won't know very many people, go anyway. If your friend asks you to take an hour-long drive to some store you've never heard of just to keep her company, get in the car. You never know where new experiences may take you. Obviously, there are certain situations where you should be able to say no. But for the opportunities that are OK and you're able to attempt, go for it! Isn't it better to try out something unfamiliar and then decide you don't like it, rather than jumping to conclusions right away? Don't limit yourself--say yes.
4. Volunteer.
Volunteering doesn't have to be a chore. Perhaps your resolution this year could be to help out the less fortunate more often. Find an organization or a job that you're interested in, and apply! If you love to cook, try volunteering at a soup kitchen. If you love animals, a nearby animal shelter could always use an extra hand. If you love to craft, make items that can be donated to children, a nursing home, or an impoverished area. There's always someone out there who could use your help. Make it your resolution to help them.
3. Love more.
It sounds simple, but sometimes when we get wrapped up in our own lives, we forget to tell the important people in our lives that we love them. Try making your resolution to remind your family members that you love them at least once a week. Call your grandma more often, or compliment your roommate more often. Loving more can also mean loving strangers. A resolution could be to not be so quick to judge others. Random acts of kindness could also fit here. "Love more" can be however you interpret it.
2. Make a difference in this world--big or small.
Any of the above resolutions can make a difference in this world. Use your talents to change the world for the better. Pay it forward. Volunteer. Infect this world with kindness. Make it your goal that, by the end of the upcoming year, you'll be able to look back and confidently say that you've made a difference.
1. Make every day count.
Wake up every morning and live that day like it's your last. Put meaning into everything that you do. Let this new year be the year that you live each day to its fullest potential. This life is yours--make it count.