I’ll keep this short and sweet for this week’s article. First, I would like to give a shout out to all those scorned women who read my previous article and ran into me this past week and viewed their displeasure with a simple hand gesture-- your input is greatly appreciated but I’m still right.
For this week’s article, I wanted to address the New Year’s “resolutioners,” who most likely will flock to my gym within the first week of January, only to tire out by the first week of February. If you are on the border of whether or not you should work out, or know someone who is debating it themselves-- point them in the general direction of actually trying and sticking it out.
I will always side with the issue of “it’s better to move and try than to not move at all.”
OK, I was trying to channel Yoda there and screwed up his catchphrase. I'm also not a "Star Wars fan, sorry. For the first timers out there, making it your plan to work out and continue longer than a month when you never have, will be scary at first. But what's even scarier is quitting and reverting back into bad habits of no movement and poor dieting.
Get off the couch, put down the tv remote, and move your damn body.
No, I don’t mean to start dancing. are you still thinking about dancing? Give the gym a chance for more than two weeks or a month. Get involved with the facility with their classes or programs and even make some friends because just remember-- there is no television show you can’t DVR. I understand you are tired after work and want to hang out with television when you get home but you also need to keep yourself healthy. You really don’t need to watch another singing and dancing ABC spin-off. I don’t even know what it is like to have a free weekday night to myself to sit in front of the television and be lazy.
And trust me, after a while, you don’t even miss it.
So get up and move! Start with some bodyweight movements like the oldie but a goodie push-up and work from head to toe, finishing off with asking a professional how to do a squat. If you need to it's completely OK to use a bench if needed to get comfortable with depth at first.
Note: I said a professional, not the gym rats who curl in the squat rack. I hate that because it’s called a squat rack for a reason, people.
Back to my main point because I’m getting a little “ranty” again and ranty isn’t a word according to my computer but it is now… suck it, Microsoft Word. Anyway, when you sign up for a gym, stick with it because nothing is more beneficial than working towards bettering yourself and being healthier. Even if you already have a gym membership, use it more than a few times a month. Research, ask, explore, and just educate yourselves on how you can achieve your personal goals because we all have at least one. Come on, guys and girls-- lift and be merry! I’m Jewish so I can’t be THAT merry since Santa always skips my house.
In the next couple of weeks, we are going to discuss technology such as Fitbits as well as some more fitness fads that I hope die along with the year 2016.
Wishing you had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year, ya filthy animals. If you don’t get that, it’s "Home Alone," so do yourself a favor and watch the classic.