Your best friend – they are your partner in crime, your exit buddy, the sushi to your roll. For me, whether I need her to pretend to be my lesbian lover when a creep doesn't get the hint, or to binge-watch a season of "My Fair Wedding" without judgement, she's my go-to girl. The fact of the matter is: your best friend makes just about anything and everything
Let's be real: we've all been in at least one, if not more, GE classes we
10. ENGL 206 Into to Poetry
If you still think poetry has to rhyme in Elizabethan English, thou should take this class alas. Meaning, you need to take this class because that is NOT what all poetry sounds like. You may write some bad poetry about a sloppy hookup you had, or maybe you'll write some good poetry about that sloppy hookup – it's fun and your BFF won't judge you for it (maybe a little). If you decide writing poetry isn't your thing, at least you'll get to hear some good, and definitely some bad, poetry via open mic night at
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9. A Foreign Language
You two can probably communicate with just a look, but if you want to take it to a whole notha' level, take a foreign language. Whether it be French, Spanish, or even Sign Language, you both will have fun laughing at each other's pronunciations when saying Come
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8. FEA 310 Film and Culture
Remember how you felt back in the day, when you would walk into class and your teacher had the T.V.
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7. CWL 320 Comic Spirit
Don't freak out because it's a literature class – you don't just read. You get to watch stand up comedy and learn about the "rules" of comedy – which are funny in themselves. Yeah, you have to write an essay, but it's on your favorite comedy. You can watch "The Office" or "Anchorman" with your BFF and say you're studying – and you actually are for once. The best assignment is the group project where you create your own comedic
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6. COMM 10 Interpersonal Communication
This class is one-part lecture and one-part workshop, and a whole lot of interesting. Make sure you and your friend get
5. PSY 100 General Psychology
Here you'll cover topics such as personality, emotion, and therapy – and start analyzing each other to the point where if your friend scratches his chin, you'll take it as a sign that he's lying about what he really thinks about your new haircut. Just kidding, don't take it that far. You'll end up learning new things about yourself and your friend – like what personality type you are, or that crying over a sleeping puppy video on YouTube is a totally acceptable emotional response.
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4. BIOL 153 Marine Biology
When have you wished you could take the short drive down PCH to the beach instead of being stuck in a classroom? In Marine Bio, most of your lab time is at the beach! You get to traverse the rocky shoreline jetty, search for sea
3. A KIN Class
The Kinesiology
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2. H SC 425 Human Sexuality and Sex Education
You get to learn about sex. I know you're already sold, but we can still pretend like you're taking this class for more than the lesson on sex positions. All joking aside, this course will cover important and serious topics such as HIV and AIDS, prostitution, and domestic violence. So you both will come out with more than just the knowledge of how to label every part of the male member.
1. THEA 113 Intro to Acting
This will probably be one of the best classes you ever take. A lot of the class is improvisation exercises – which aren't as scary as they sound. The exercises are like the games you used to play on the blacktop in elementary school. You'll play link tag, run around as your favorite animal, and perform your own raps and choreography #fire. Especially if you're shy, this is a great way to help you come out of your shell and not take yourself too seriously. Embarrassing story time: one day we had to act out whatever action the person who performed before us shouted out. Some people got driving a race car or dancing – I got
Taking a class with one of your best friends is a must do before you graduate, and an experience you'll remember long after graduation. These are just some suggestions from my own personal experience, but you can find more GE course options listed in the Schedule of Classes and the course descriptions in the CSULB Catalog.