Last week, I wrote about giving thanks together despite your circumstances. You may have a lot or only a little. You might be surrounded by friends and family who love you, or you may find yourself alone in a room full of strangers. Thanksgiving might be a day of rest for you, or it might be the day of the year that you work the hardest.
What's important, though, is counting your blessings and giving thanks.
Sometimes, we feel like we don't have a lot to be thankful for. Looking for the bright side is hard when the world around you spins in turmoil. But the world still spins, and that's got to count for something.
Realizing how good we have it is sometimes a lesson in humility. While I may be thankful to have a roof over my head, those less fortunate may be thankful for the shirts on their backs and the shoes on their feet. Even when I'm having the worst day ever at work, I have a job that I love, and I'm lucky to have found it. Food, clothing, shelter and even employment are things most of us take for granted, but aren't we glad to have them?
This weekend, at church, we gave children and volunteers a chance to create a collaborative project in which they wrote down some of the things they are thankful for. Answers ranged from things like food to family to God to roller skates, and all of the kids seemed happy to participate.
Sometimes, the things kids say can help put this crazy world into perspective. Their answers are honest and their enthusiasm is earnest. Looking at the world through the eyes of a child is a marvelous thing, and we adults should try it more often. Their loving hearts always amaze me and hope that they never lose the spirit of thankfulness. If they continue at this rate, they're going to turn into some pretty awesome adults someday, and that's a thing worth giving thanks for.
In short, we all have a lot to be thankful for every day, when it comes down to it. As Thanksgiving approaches (and even after it's over), let's remember the many ways we've been blessed and celebrate the season with a grateful heart.