Make time to ground yourself and find a balance that works for you. It's too easy to get lost.
She sneaks toys into her pockets and
twirls Redvines through her fingers.
Every wish she ever made to
a dandelion has come true.
Hair that resembles a young boy,
she sits with her legs
stretched wide. There is
dirt under her nails and
nail polish won't stay intact
for more than a day.
Oh, sweet bee, she makes
up stories in her head and
acts them out with her stuffed
animals and little figurines.
Her cape has become stained and tattered,
pockets too shallow for such toys.
Redvines taste too sweet,
she stopped wishing on those weeds.
Heat treated hair, it's far too
inappropriate to sit with her
knees anything but together and
her fingernails are kept trimmed
and neat.
Oh, sweet bee, she will spend hours
trying to form her thoughts from
buzzing words and worries over
how to pay the bills for next month,
there is no time for stories only
eight-hour shifts of mindless sobriety.
Sweet bee, can't you see?