Though it is a subject that many people avoid talking about, if you ever feel overwhelmed, stressed, or nervous about your school or social life, here are a few helpful tips to help you combat your social/scholarly anxiety.
Identify your stress-causer
Look at your daily routine, and ask yourself, “what am I dreading.” When you find out the answer, think of solutions that will make you feel more comfortable in the situation. Our brains become more relaxed when you feel in control of the situation. For example, if you are prepared for class with all your required materials and your homework is done, you will be more at ease than your neighbor who stumbled in late without their books or homework.
Know your triggers and learn how to fight them
If going out makes you anxious, there are ways to keep your social anxiety at bay, and still manage to have a great time. Surrounding yourself with great friends is a big part of feeling at ease. With people to lean on, your nerves can melt away. Another great way to make yourself more comfortable is always bringing water, a jacket, and a full charged cell phone. If you want to make sure all your bases are covered, being prepared with emergency items will make any uncertain situation less daunting.
Tell your friends
Being open about your situation to those who you are close with will help a lot with any kind of anxiety. With people on your side, they will be able to help you, notice your triggers, and guide you through life with open arms. There’s a great chance that your friends might suffer from something similar. Anxiety in the college setting is much more common than people might think. Sharing your feelings with your friends will pose as a mini therapy session with the people you trust the most!
Develop a healthy relationship with your professors
If your anxiety is centered around your classes, making sure you are upfront with your professors is key. Our teachers don’t have time for excuses about why your homework wasn’t submitted on time, but they will appreciate quick emails asking for advice, explaining your anxiety about the class, and seeking solutions are great ways to approach your teachers. Let them know you care and continue to work through the issue.
Make time for your favorite forms of relaxation
Whether it be yoga, going for walks, working out, etc, make time for yourself. Homework and social activity seem to take up your whole calendar, but for your sanities sake, RELAX. Pick your favorite thing to do in your free time, and at least once a week, do it. Giving yourself something to look forward to in your busy schedule makes completing your daily actives easier to accomplish.
So if you’re ever feeling defeated, stressed, and kind of over this whole college thing, take a step back. Remember that you really aren't alone, there are hundreds of other students feeling your pain and thinking the same things. Talking about the issues you're facing makes it so much easier, and we are lucky enough to have many resources to help us fight the good fight. If your anxiety levels become too much to handle, find a counselor, advisor, professor, or trusted friend to talk to. The help you need is right around the corner. Speak up and share your experiences! There is nothing we can’t accomplish together my friends. Go Cougs.