Tis the season for dressing up and hanging out with all your friends in matching ensembles. Whether you are looking for a costume by yourself or as part of a group, I am here to offer some basic ideas. Happy Halloween and all that!
1. Be that animal that just hits the right balance between adorable and sexy.
Nothing speaks basic on Halloween more than being a black cat or a bunny. Buy a pair of ears, paint your face, and dress monochromatically.
2. Everyone appreciates a nice doctor or nurse.
This one speaks for itself really. You may need to invest in a stethoscope of some sorts.
3. Take some glasses and add some tape and suddenly you are a nerd.
Throw on some suspenders, make your shorts high-waisted, put some knee-high socks on full tacky level, and you will achieve that nerd status. Bonus points if you make your hair really basic in pigtails.
4. Find your local private school friend and grab that uniform skirt.
Basic school girls are always the way to go. Add some knee high socks, maybe a tie, and you will be golden. Do not forget to leave the shirt mostly untucked and make the skirt really high on purpose.
5. Invest in some nice makeup to turn into a decent-looking zombie.
Whip out those Youtube How-To tutorials to help you look completely spooky and more dead than usual. Bonus points if your natural bags under your eyes do not need any extra makeup.
6. Become a sports star for a night even if it is just an oversized jersey.
You do not even have to actually play or watch the sport to be able to wear a jersey and call yourself a fan. Just throw on any team you have and go. To become most basic, make sure it is big enough to look like you have no shorts. Another option is to whip out that cheerleading uniform you used to wear.
7. Sometimes frat boys just make sense.
Going out to a frat party for Halloween? You may as well join them in the most preppy look you can come up with. Backwards hats, untucked guy shirts, khaki shorts. Make sure to add some sunglasses indoors just to really stand out.
8. Any Disney princess will work for being basic.
You can just wear the colors from your favorite princess. It is always good to take a hipster approach to dressing as any Disney characters. If princesses are not your thing, go for any characters you like.
9. Get your squad together and become fruits.
All you need are oversized bright-colored T-shirts and some interesting headbands. Each of you can decorate your own fruit. I always go with the pineapple because who does not love dressing up in yellow.
10. Even if it is super cold out, nothing is better than to go as a lifeguard.
It just takes some sort of tight shirt, some really tiny tight shorts, a whistle around your neck, and maybe a fanny pack if you have one.
When in doubt this Halloween season, refer to Pinterest. These are easy if you are looking for something last minute and cheap. You most likely own some of these things already. All it takes is some creativity to achieve the basic level.