Yes, life sucks when you are poor.
Because you are poor, your grades suffer.
You cannot afford the required textbooks. Instead, You must find a .pdf version of the book. When it doesn't exist, you must borrow the book from the someone else and/or take pictures. When you cannot find anyone else, you must buy the book from the bookstore and return it within a week, as many times as needed.
You cannot study as much as I want to, because you must work to make money.
You grew up in lower-end cities where education was poorly funded and people didn't care because they knew they weren't getting out. So leaving high school you were unprepared and already set for failure.
Because I am poor, my social life and college experience suffers.
You cannot afford the dues to join organizations. So the school clubs you can join are limited. When you can, it becomes hard to attend meetings and events because you must work. This makes finding friends harder, and personal growth "different."
You cannot go out with friends, because you cannot afford the food or miscellaneous fees. So you must say no to birthday dinners, concerts, and adventures in the city. This makes it harder to relate to people because you simply wasn't there. You cannot treat the people you care about with gifts or dates, so instead you must depend on your words and trust to let them know how much you appreciate them.
You cannot afford decent clothing. So people look at you funny when they notice you wear the same pair of long pants and shoes every day. It makes you less approachable. For the same reasons it's difficult to attend professional interviews/meetings and formal events.
Because you am poor, you're more prone to bad health.
You cannot afford heavy duty jackets to keep myself warm in the winter. You cannot afford healthy food, so you must suffice living off of McDonald's dollar menu and instant noodle packets. If you do get sick, you must have faith in your immune system because you cannot afford health insurance.
You're more limited in transportation. So you must walk to my destinations with consideration of the weather, and you must remember to keep myself safe when taking buses and trains at late hours of the night.
At the end of the day, there's not a lot of things that can be said. Being poor, does make it more difficult to succeed. Being poor, does present unfair challenges. Being poor, does suck.
But when you're poor, you don't have a choice.
So you must remember that even if you are fated to lose, it doesn't that winning is not impossible.