For awhile, I just sort of floated around. I mean I knew what I liked, disliked, the usual. But I had no real hobbies, no real way to express myself. That is until my once upon a time best friend introduced me to the world of cosplay. The fairy tale world of creatures, warriors, and royalty from all cultures that you’ll never really want to leave.
Now, of course cosplay isn’t just the fairy tale I've stated above. In fact, here’s the beauty of it; cosplay is what you make it. You could strictly cosplay from anime, or online comics - yes, i’m looking at you Homestucks. There’s the vast world of video games, and then there’s the DC and Marvel community. Cosplay is art, it’s a way of expressing your inner child with so many people who share your passions. There's no end to its possibilities. For me, cosplay is fun and it’s colorful. I cosplay mainly from Disney, and sometimes real life movie characters. For 3 years, I’ve brought smiles to many faces with my different personas. From Sleeping Beauty, to Hazel Grace from The Fault In Our Stars, to Honey Lemon from Big Hero 6, and Black Canary from the world of DC comics. It gave me a purpose much smaller than the one I was already placed on this earth for, but just as important to me. It gave me the opportunity to bring smiles to the faces of those who never thought they’d see their childhood dreams lived out.
It’s also built my skills, from makeup, to wig styling, to crafting props. I’m still working on the sewing part. But makeup wise, I can’t even begin to express how much I've grown because of this hobby. My friends actually come to me for makeup advice, even random strangers have asked me questions before. It’s also built my social skills, and confidence. I’ve made friends from all over the state of North Carolina simply by going to conventions. And confidence wise? My anxiety levels have decreased by enormous amounts over the years, simply because I know this community i’ve joined has my back.
So, this is how cosplay has helped me. From being a mess of social anxiety with a small group of friends, to being a confident, boisterous ball of sunshine with too many friends to count on 2 hands. I’ve grown, and it’s because cosplay saved me.