No matter how good (or bad) you'd describe your health, one thing is for sure: a little boost is ALWAYS a good idea. Whether that's reading a new, motivating book, or listening to a song that speaks to your soul, there are plenty of resources to help your health thrive on any given day.
The news this week is talking about one thing and one thing only — the coronavirus (or COVID-19, if you're being technical). On Odyssey alone, we've talked about a pandemic survival kit, coronavirus-induced anxiety, how to properly wash your hands, and sobering tweets regarding the current state of our world.
Each week, we're bringing you the best resources and influencers to give you a health boost. Here's what we're following this week in regard to public panic in the face of COVID-19.
Book: "Turtles All the Way Down"
I would not advise you to choose today to pick up that book on the plague. Instead, bring your attention to a fictional story about a character who is overcome with paranoia. It's quirky and relatable and will leave you with a feeling of "it'll all work out."
Podcast: "This Podcast Will Kill You"
You've been bombarded with information, but what do you actually need to know? "This Podcast Will Kill You" takes you through how viruses form, spread, and impact the person they attach themselves to. They get very specific and if you're looking for the deep dive into medical know-how on COVID-19, this is the pod for you.
Instagram influencer: Cassie Majestic
Cassie Majestic, MD is the ER doctor that is dropping ALL the truth bombs regarding the spread of diseases and public panic. She breaks down what is really going on, from a medical professional's point of view.
Twitter account: World Health Organization
If you're looking for the 411 on all things worldwide prevention, look no further than the World Health Organization (WHO). This way you can stick to the facts, get the updates you NEED instead of mindless panic, and stay informed to the best of your abilities.
YouTuber: Registered Nurse RN
Thank goodness for health care professionals, am I right? Nurse Sarah breaks down how to stay healthy and safe from COVID-19, as well as how to take proper steps to see if you are experiencing the symptoms for it.
Playlist: Calming Acoustic
Y'all need some soothing sounds to zone out to, it's OK to admit it! Put on peaceful acoustic covers and practice that deep breathing!
BONUS: Coronavirus Survival Kit
If you're self-quarantined and still stressing out, that's OK. You don't have to be the coolest cucumber in the fridge to get through this thing! We've put together a Coronavirus Survival Kit to help you stay prepared and feel at peace, no matter what the situation holds!
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