My heart will cry along with me when I finally own a corgi, but until then these 9 habits are what life is like without owning one. Let's jump right in...
1. Most of the notifications you receive on Facebook are your friends tagging you in corgi pictures or memes.

2. Yet, you have already seen that post twice in that day.

3. When you go on Instagram, the first picture is always a corgi from one of the 23 accounts you follow.

4. The first time you meet a corgi, it was like fate brought you two together. It was better than love at first sight.

5. You have already picked out what you would name the corgi you will own (Herbert Oliver Jones).

6. You know the corgi Instagram account, with Ralph, Yogi, Wrigley, Milo. Do I need to go on?

7. You are obsessed with their fluffy, adorable butts that float in water.

8. You already know the exact stage in life you want to adopt your future love puppy.

9. You know that having a corgi to take care of, cuddle with, and do everything will give you complete happiness.

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