"My future husband is going to hate me when I come home with 76 dogs." This sentence sums up my life. Ever since I can remember, I've had a love for dogs. Small dogs, big dogs, fluffy dogs, it didn't matter the type. Every dog owner seems to be obsessed with their breed, but Corgi owners take it to a whole new extreme. Now after careful consideration of all the dog breeds, I've came to the conclusion that Corgis are the best type of dog. How can you disagree? Here's 15 reasons why Corgis are the best dogs.
1. They have ears bigger than half of their body.
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2. They have the shortest little legs ever.
3. One of their favorite positions is upside-down.
4. You can dress them up in funny outfits like this:
5. And this:
6. Don't forget they are the royal breed.
7. Their butts. Simple as that.
8. They have the best facial expressions.
9. Corgis have the best puppy dog face.
10. That head tilt.
11. Doesn't he look like a dwarf dog? Cute!
12. They can sit like humans. What?
13. Curiosity never killed the Corgi, yet.
14. They're always in play mode.
15. They don't run, they prance.
The list could go on. but as you can see, no other dog can compare to their cuteness. Corgis really are the best dogs ever. Hopefully my future husband doesn't mind me coming home with a different Corgi every day.