I Went To Corgi Beach Day, And This Is What I Learned
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I Went To Corgi Beach Day, And This Is What I Learned

This is Corgi heaven.

I Went To Corgi Beach Day, And This Is What I Learned
Micah Sullivan

Corgis. Everywhere. About 400, to be exact.

Picture this: hundreds of Corgis on the beach on a pleasantly sunny day. All of them playing, running, digging, relaxing and have a Corgi-rific time. Seriously, what more could you want? This sounds like heaven if you ask me.

Isn't this heavenly?

Cannon Beach, Ore., is a well-known coastal tourist trap, but is also a rather sleepy town. But once a year, the Corgis take over. I live a few hours north from Cannon Beach, with my two Corgis, Sparkie and Posey. We also have an Australian Cattle Dog named Blew. My parents and I packed the dogs up and made the day trip down to Cannon Beach for the day. It was the perfect day for the beach. The weather was nicer than expected, and the dogs were so excited. Many of the tourists didn't know about the event, leading them to believe that Cannon Beach was just Corgi Central. But either way, everyone enjoyed getting to see all the dogs.

Look at this little Corgi who happens to be so excited to get to the beach.

1. First of all, dogs. Mostly Corgis.

Here is my little guy, Sparkie, making friends with a Great Dane who he was very excited to meet.

How much better can it get? I am one of those people who often prefers dogs over people, and my favorite breed is, of course, a Corgi. This event was perfect for me. One of the best parts of the day was seeing all the different dogs that were there. Despite the event being centered on Corgis, there were many other dog breeds on the beach. My Australian Cattle dog was there, along with a Rottweiler, a Great Dane, plenty of Labradors, Australian Shepherds and mix breeds. It was great to see all dogs, big and small, romping in the surf and digging in the sand.

2. If you have a toy, you are the God of the Corgis.

Check out these buddies who don't mind splashing in the ocean, as long as they've got a stick.

There was one woman who had the right idea. She had a Frisbee in one hand and a squeaky toy in the other. She would run up and down a stretch of beach with about ten corgis running next to her as they were mystified by the wonder of a toy.

3. All of the people have something in common.

Just look at these Corgis. They own this beach, and they know it.

We all love dogs, specifically Corgis. It was so easy to talk to everyone because we shared a common interest. Everybody said something along the lines of “Your dog is so beautiful!” I think that the dogs got more compliments in one day than I did on prom night. Since I am a total dog-lover, it was so cool to see the differences within the same breed. Or the differences between the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Plus, the dogs were surrounded by paparazzi. Everyone was snapping pictures all the time. I think the dogs were soaking up all the attention, knowing that the day was entirely all about them.

4. Dogs in costume.

Here we see the rare breed of the Corgi Sea Turtle, who won a prize!

This year, the Cannon Beach Corgi Beach Day was space-themed. The title was “The Corgi Invasion.” There were four different costume contests: space themed, beach themed, couples-costume and most original. For the space theme, I met a Corgi named Data, just like from "Star Trek!" There was a Corgi astronaut, a lobster, a squid, a hula girl, a beach bum, a mermaid, a shark, a doctor, a sports fan and many more. I was impressed by how the dogs handled being in costume.

5. Prepare for the beach.

I am sure that every Corgi, including this fluffy friend, slept very well the night after the event, while visions of waves and Corgi friends danced in their heads.

Yes, this means the obvious of towels, sunscreen and water. This also goes further to remembering the proper attire, not just for you, but for your dog. The dogs also need the appropriate beach wear. For some, this may mean wearing goggles. For other dogs who have an extreme love of the water, it could mean a life vest. This is very important to remember. Also, know that the ocean at Cannon Beach is very cold, no matter how hot the sun may be. You should also be prepared to need to bathe your pup afterwards. Bring your own food if you'd like, but also know that plenty of the restaurants have patio seating where they welcome the pups.

Corgi Beach Day was everything the Corgi lover could dream of. The event took place on July 30, 2016. This is an annual event. Look out for the corgi invasion next year. This event is put on by the Portland Corgi Meetup Group and all donations were sent to the Oregon Humane Society.

Here's Sparkie, loving the sand and the sun.

Here is the link to their Facebook page.

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