10 Hygiene Tips For All College Athletes
College athletes, it's time we talk about sports hygiene.
I got a request to talk about college athletes hygiene so here it is.
College athletes, I get it, you are busy! From class, to morning workouts, to study table, to practice, and more. But that does not excuse the fact that your hygiene comes first! Here are some tips when it comes to taking care of your self.
1. It's just the basics.
I think we all know this but just to remind everyone, deodorant goes such a long way! If you are an athlete who does not like the white residue some deodorants leave then try using a spray deodorant. Either way do not walk into any type of practice, game, whatever without putting on deodorant.
2. Just an easy tip.
Assorted tea bags arranged on a white surface.
Photo by K8 on UnsplashHere's an easy tip for stinky shoes. Try putting tea bags into your shoes to keep them smelling fresh and to remove odors. This also works with putting tea bags into your gym bags to keep bad smells away.
3. As a college student, I get it.
I get it, we are in college, some are away from home, not a lot of responsibility. One thing that should ALWAYS be a responsibility is clean clothes. If you know you are all out of practice clothes, your practice jersey smells terrible, etc.. GO WASH IT!
Nobody wants to work with someone who smells musty and nasty the whole time. And you definitely don't want to be the person is who looked at as the nasty one on the team. It's simple, just plan ahead and wash your clothes.
4. Time to be real.
Time to be real, we all sweat. Some sweat more than others. We all sweat by our private areas, the only thing I can say that can help eliminate odors in private areas when sweating is grooming. So if you have lots of hair around your private hair more then likely odors will be present.
All I can say is try to stay clean down there if you sweat a lot by your private area take extra measures like soaking in apple cider vinegar with lukewarm water.
5. Shower right after.
Empty shower stalls in a tiled bathroom.
Photo by - Kenny on UnsplashTry to shower right after a practice or a game if you can. This helps get rid of smells fast. Even if you are playing an away game, if somehow you are able to at least wash up your main areas before getting on a bus ride, you are helping the problem.
6. Another get real moment.
Ladies, sometimes playing sports and being on your period can be hard. Try to stay fresh and clean down there. If you aren't a tampon person, make sure that you always have extra pads with you. After practices or games wash extra good in those areas just to ensure any bad odors are gone.
7. Take home your clothes.
If you have lockers, make sure that you are taking home your practice clothes with you. If you don't smells will soon start to build up. If you have to keep your clothes in your locker try to add a small air freshener
8. Be nice!
"Kindness Matters" on a pink board with a tiled backdrop.
Photo by Copper and Wild on UnsplashIf you notice that someone on your team may need a reminder when it comes to hygiene, simply talk to them in private, You don't have to be mean about it. Offer them advice when it comes to hygiene and how to take care of themselves.
9. Disinfect!
if you play a sport that requires lots of contact with other people or objects try to disinfect have much as you can. it is better to disinfect. With everyone sweating, bacteria can start to build up.
Also, in all honesty, you never know what someone may have(a skin infection, a cut, etc..), so better to be safe than sorry when it comes to disinfecting equipment.
10. Just keep up with yourself.
I always say, just keep up with yourself. I understand you may be very busy but your hygiene is so important, taking care of yourself is important! Stay clean, create your own hygiene routine, and you'll be ok.
There it is! Hygiene is something we can all agree on is important. So keep up it, care about your hygiene!