In the light of all the negative news articles about police officers, I thought it would be a nice change to say some wonderful things about them. I am not stating nor arguing about recent events, I am just trying to say some positive things because all in all, police officers are humans and they are here to protect you. With that, I have come up with five positive aspects on police officers in America.
1. Who you gonna call?
9-1-1, obviously! They are there for you. Honestly, they are. If you are in a car accident, you call the cops. Someone breaks into your home, you call the cops. Someone is following you and making you feel threatened, you call the cops. See the trend? Cops are there to help you feel safe in the community you are in. They are actually nice people.
2. They drive nice cars/trucks/SUV's.
This one is a given. I can speak for the city of Billings, Montana and say that they have some really nice cop cars. Like come on, the trucks are gorgeous and fast. Oh are they fast! Plus, they are able to turn red lights green when needed for an emergency. I wish I had one of those when I'm late for an appointment.
3. They are actually really nice when you stop and talk to them.
I can admit I was pulled over because I did not come to a complete stop at a stop sign. No one was around, but I did something illegal. I should've stopped. A cop pulled me over. He asked me to get out of the vehicle after I gave him my license, registration, and insurance. He told me to sit on the hood of his car. I did not feel threatened or anything of the sort. I did not know what was happening yet, I was not scared. You know what happened? We talked like to humans. We laughed. He saw I was having a bad day and wanted to know if he could help. I did not get a ticket, just a warning. We sat with each other and laughed for 40 minutes or so. It was nice. Cops are nice.4. They go out of the way to help.
D.A.R.E? Anything with kids actually, cops are so nice when it comes to kids. Cops act like parents when it comes to kids. It is quite adorable and heartwarming to watch.5. Please cut them some slack.
With everything that has happened in recent events, cops have been given a bad name. I feel that instead of judging them all, how about respect for everyone? They are people who put their lives on the line even though they have families at home waiting for them. Just remember what your mom and kindergarten teacher told you, "treat others the way you want to be treated?" If you want respect, you need to give respect.In conclusion, cops are normal people like you and me. They are someone's son/daughter, wife/husband, and brother/sister. The put on this uniform to make sure you can go home to your families. Why can't we make sure they can go home to theirs? If we all become a little bit nicer to everyone, treat people with the dignity and respect they deserve, maybe just maybe, this world could be a better place.