Everyone has days where they feel like they cannot handle stress. You feel overwhelmed or feel like you have accomplished nothing. For college students, stress increases during midterms and finals. Here are some ways to cope with all of that stress and get back on top of your game.
1. Go outside
Going outside is a good way to get a fresh breathe of air. If you take a small walk around you will increase your heart rate and your body will start to calm down. Taking a short walk or even going for a run can really relieve tension that is being built up in your body.The air you breathe can make you more focused and ready to head back to work. Don't feel bad for taking a small break to enjoy the fresh air.
2. Listen to your favorite music
When you listen to music that you enjoy, it releases endorphins, which are chemicals in your brain that make you feel good and they will help lower the stress you are under. Music also can help you focus and remember what you are putting into your head.
3. Color
Coloring is a good way to release stress. It allows your brain to focus on something for a long period of time without getting distracted. It can give your brain a break to process all of the information that you were just studying.
4. Talk to friends
Odds are your friends know what you are going through because they are probably going through the same things. Talking about what is going on in their lives and what is going on in yours is a good way for all the parties involved to let off a little steam. It also allows you to form more bonds with people.
5. Take a cat nap
If you don't feel like you are getting enough sleep and every time you try to study you feel like you are falling asleep, a short ten-minute nap may leave you feeling refreshed and ready for more.
6. Practice meditation
Meditation, if done properly, can help you focus and allow you to be in-tune with your surroundings. There are many videos on internet on how to meditate along with music to help you reach a state of meditation. Each of these videos are a little different and let you chose what you want to focus on.
7. Paint or draw
If you are doodling or painting you can pour all of your feelings into what you are creating. This will allow you to relax because you are releasing built up tension.
8. Make a stress ball
This is another way to get your creativity and stress out. If you make a stress ball you not only have fun making the actual ball itself but you will also have fun squeezing it after its completed.
9. Make your favorite comfort food
If you are stressed you may not be eating properly. One thing you can do to encourage yourself to eat is make one of your favorite foods! Not only will this be something you are sure to like, but it will also provide a much needed break on your brain and body.
10. Wear comfortable clothing
Let's face it, we all wear clothes that we are comfortable in while doing work. There is no shame in wearing pajamas to the library or other places to study. If you are comfortable in your clothing then who cares what others think. If wearing heels and a dress is what helps you and that is what you are comfortable studying in, do it. If you are comfortable you will be able to study longer.
11. Allow yourself to have breaks
If you don't take any breaks, you will get burned out very quickly. Breaks are very necessary. If you get burned out you will want to give up right away and just want to be done and you won't really be paying attention to what you should be doing, so breaks help take away some stress and allow you to refocus yourself so you don't get burned out.
12. Sleep
This is probably the most important thing that you can do. You need to sleep in order to be more alert and focused. When you are tired your brain doesn't comprehend what you are trying to fill it with.