To those who may not know what third wheeling is, third
wheeling is defined as someone who deters the socialization of a couple,
perhaps when being invited out of pity or through feeling of duty.
Maybe you know someone who third wheels, you have a third
wheel or sometimes you are the third wheel -- we all pretty much know what a
third wheel is. However, I so happen to be the third wheel to my best friend
and her boyfriend, to the point where when they are out in public people just
assume that I am nearby. Although this sounds depressing to most, I promise you
it is not the worst thing that has happened to me. And back to the definition
of third wheeling, I do not believe that I am invited out of pity, because let’s
be real me and my couple are “one.”
So, if you are an expert third wheel like me, the following bullet
points will be highly relatable:
1. When there is an argument or a suspicion in the
relationship, you are the monkey in the middle. You must give advice to both
separately without the other one finding out so you do not have to take a side.
Which in most cases, you are supposed to take your best friends side (which in
my case, she is a girl so of course she is right, duh.)
2. You have been invited to get togethers, where
most people there are dating each other. Which has happened on multiple
occasions. This is totally not awkward if you are a professional at being third
wheel. New Years Eve? I will gladly kiss my “non-alcoholic” beverage at
midnight and not feel sad about it.

3. But when there is a single person at said get
together or even just walking on the street, YOU GET THROWN TO THE WOLVES.
Literally, thrown. Which in most cases, is rather embarrassing? Like hello, I
don’t need a boyfriend if I am going to be you all’s third wheel forever. (I
wanted to say y’all’s but refrained from being a Southerner for 5 seconds.)
4. They want to set you up with everyone, which in
most cases have turned into awkward situations later.
5. OK, back to the invited by pity, it is more
like you get your food paid for out of pity at a restaurant. Which is totally
fine, free food! Don’t feel bad, this is great! Can we get sushi on our next
6. You have a group text, yep it even has a group
name. Like it is normal for you mom to ask who you are texting, and your answer
be “them.” I’m sorry mom, no new boyfriend yet. (You may have a group snapchat as well)
7. Your parents always ask about them like you
might have a tracker on their phone? No, but okay maybe we share locations sometimes?
8. You have multiple selfies with them.
9.You ARE their personal photographer.
10.You tag each other in funny facebook posts and
DM each other tweets.
11. You never feel truly lonely, because you always
know that they will be there for you. Like, you tell them everything pretty
much to a point where giving you advice is on their daily agenda.
12. But then again, you do feel lonely and annoyed
because you don’t have a boyfriend?
13. Then you realize from them that it is entirely
too exhausting to have a boyfriend and you are better off without one right now.
14. Sometimes you feel like you annoy them by always
being there. Yeah, I think I am going to go vacuum my dog so that y’all
can have some alone time.
15. You get picked on or harassed about everything
that has happened in your life. I regret talking to that dude, leave me alone
about it.
16. You are basically their child. Which I mean is
great? You are preparing them for the future.
17. You cringe at their PDA, please stop you wouldn’t
do that in front of your child, right?
18. You fight your friend’s boyfriend for shotgun
when you must run to the store or Starbucks.
19. Well, you fight with him over her in general
also, can we have some girl time? Uh thank you.
20. You are thankful that they let you annoy them.
They are your people whether they like it or not.
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