Habits are the building blocks of life, as a person’s success can be measured by the types of habits they have. If you’re like me then there are a lot of bad habits in your life. Bad habits are a really nasty thing seeing that they can derail you from living the life you want to have.
Recently I was conversing with a friend of mine, who probably has the best set of habits I have ever seen. I inquired about what he did to cultivate such healthy habits as I wished to emulate him. He informed me of an app he used called Streak and he encouraged me to check it out. Heeding his advice I went to the App store to find the app only to see that it had a $3.99 price tag on it. After some inner dialogue I decided that $3.99 wasn’t that bad for something that could potentially revolutionize my life.
The app itself is very simple. All you do is create a habit you want to practice, let’s say you want start working out 30 minutes a day. So you create the habit and then you specify what days out of the week you want to practice that habit. Each day you complete the habit you mark it in the app and it keeps track of it. Along with this the app also sends you notifications reminding you if you have not practiced the habit you created. The beauty of this app is that it only lets you create six habits at a time. I found this aspect of the app really helpful because it makes the solidification of the habit an actually probability. Without this feature people would probably overwhelm themselves by trying to create too many habits at one time. Once you instill a habit you can delete and create a new one.
According to studies it takes about 3 weeks to break a bad habit and 1 week to create one. As with anything you get out what you put in so I would definitely recommend this app for people who are actively seeking to improve their life.