I love me.
It's taken me years upon years to be able to say those three words. All my life it seems, I've struggled with myself. Whether it be my weight, hair, clothes, personality and so on, I've tried changing myself so much to fit what I thought I needed to be, for the people around me. I guess it's my old age (lol), but the older I get, and the more of the world I see, I'm realizing that this particular person, you know, the people's person, doesn't really exist. It's all in our heads.
I am by no means perfect, but hell, who is? I'm a thick girl, I color my hair, I'm a messy person, I question everything, have anxiety, and on and on I could go. I'm a hot mess 24/7, but that's all good. I am who I am. And that has to be okay. And if it's not okay, then I'm not okay with being around you. The people who truly love and accept you, will take you exactly as you are. You have to be cool with being you.
I know that hearing someone say that they love themselves may seem like they are being conceided or full of themselves, but it's just the opposite actually. When someone is completely in love with themselves, just be happy for them. You have no idea what they've gone through to get to where they are now.
Now, I know there are douche bags out there that love themselves "too much." Ya know what I mean? They act all tough, think they are God's gift to the world and so on, and if they think that, just let them be. One day, hopefully, they'll ditch their attitude and starting falling in love with how they really, truly are.
My daddy always told me that you have two choices when it comes to people, accept them as they are, or go the hell on. Seems cut and dry, and it is. Just some of us have trouble with it. I know that all too well. If we have that mentality towards other people, we should have it towards ourselves. You are your longest commitment and the only person you can count on. Take care of yourself. Body and soul.
You are enough. You are more than enough, you are everything. Be the best that you can be, all you can be, all the time and you'll get there. It's totally fine fall in love with yourself. You're totally awesome, kid.
"You need to love yourself. Love yourself so much to the point that your energy and aura rejects anyone who doesn't know your worth."
-Billy Chapata