i discoved at a very young age that one skill i did not pocess was cooking. I used to hear all the time that i would be able to learn to cook and that it wouldnet be a problem later in life. well i am here to tell you that i do not think its possible to learn how to cook beacues i have tried and tried over anover again and did it work you might ask. No, it did not i can still not cook for anything i dont know why i am incapible of learning but i cant. even my freind whos going to school to be a chef treid to teach me how to cook and the most i can cook is probably like a grilled cheese or something and even then i burn it a little bit.
I vividly remember this one time when i was about 9 i decied that before my mom came home that i would want to make her dinner. the only idea i had was to make chicken, i had no idea on how to cook it or what process to use. When i had thought i was done i put all of the chicken on a plate. I thought the chicken looked wonderful even though it was burnt I was really proud of myself. however, when my mom took a bit the chicken was raw on the inside. She decided to order pizza instead.
I took culinary in high school and middle school because its always been a skill i would like to learn and throughout all of the years in culinary i finally learned how to make a grilled cheese. though trying to live in college not knowing how to cook however is the easiest thing ever though because the most you do in your dorm is put water in your ramen noodles and then put it in the microwave. i have an unlimited meal plan becasue i cant cook because if i did not have the unlimited i am troughally convinced i would starve to death.
the unlimited meal plan is the best thing ever invented. I love how easy it is to access food, once i realize i am hungry i can just waltz on over to the dinning hall and grab something. There is no worrys about am i actually going to be able to cook this or anything like that because i have determined that if i have to ask that question i usally can not make it.
something esle i relized is people love to try and atpemt to teach you how to cook. this is particualy fustrating because in my experance i found out that no matter who it is or how well they cook, that they will get fustrated at one point or another. once they relize how imcompetant you really are they kind of stop trying to help. I always appecate the offer but it never works out.
Its a good thing i am in college right now because i dont have to worry abuot feeding myself for the time being, which is great but i have come to the realization that i will be eating take out for a long time to come.