Everyone loves puppies. They are cuddly, soft, tiny and some of the most adorable creatures on earth. However, if you have ever owned a puppy, you know that they are not easy to take care of.
In fact, it's like taking care of a human baby. I'm not kidding.
This is for the people who want puppies but their parents won't let them get one - tell them it'll prepare you for taking care of your own children in the future. Or, tell them that if you get a puppy right now, you're less likely to have kids right now (this might frighten them, so maybe don't actually say that). Anyway, when people say that dogs teach you responsibility, it's 100% true. They're hard to take care of sometimes. But it's also worth it at the end of the day because they're adorable and soft and cute and your BFF.
After getting my own puppy, I compiled some of the ways -- and supporting pictures -- that they're very similar to taking care of your own baby.
1. They wake you up in the middle of the night, crying.
Multiple times. For a long time.
2. All they do is sleep, eat, and go to the bathroom.
3. They have to be with you everywhere you go -- literally, everywhere.
Taking a shower? Well, they're locked in the bathroom with you.
4. Sometimes, they make you really angry and annoyed at them
However, it doesn't last long because they're cute and tiny.
5. When you leave them, you kind of want to cry.
Especially if you're leaving them for the first time.
6. You want to hug them and hold them 24/7.
Even though you're really not supposed to.
7. Anything that you give them, or anything they find, will end up in their mouth.
8. They quickly become your own tiny bff.
9. They can go from full of energy to fast asleep in about .2 seconds.
It's like a rollercoaster.
10. People love them.
They literally attract people toward you.
11. Your schedule revolves around them.
So, it's really not your schedule. Its their schedule.
12. Toys. Toys will be EVERYWHERE.
They will take up your house. You will trip over them.
13. That baby voice that people talk to babies with?
Yeah, you talk to your puppy the same way.
14. Accidents happen a lot.
Potty training is definitely a process.
15. Your heart explodes every time you look at them.
So, when people say they are "dog parents," it's a legitimate thing. Trust me. Now you can show this to your parents/significant other/whoever and tell them that a puppy is not only amazingly cute, but they teach you some valuable lessons in responsibility and taking care of something other than yourself. You're welcome.