Suuuuuuuure, it's my fault. I'm the one not reaching out enough. I'm the one who is bad at communicating. I get it, it's me. But let's be real, everyone is busy. Some people have jobs, some people have boyfriends, and some people just don't want to hang out with you anymore.
Yes, I do have friends, guys. I have some pretty amazing people that have stuck by me for awhile, but I never really seem to see them anymore. We text a lot and laugh a lot, sure. But I haven't hung out with friends in what seems like months.
It gets annoying when you feel like you can't hit up certain people because you know they're always busy, or because you simply haven't talked to them in such a long time and you don't wanna have to have that awkward talk about "how busy they were" and about how sorry they are for not texting you.
But let's be real here, we've established that I have friends, but sometimes it doesn't feel like it. Like I said, it's been a long, long time since I've hung out with anyone.. and it sucks. Maybe it is partly my fault, but I'm trying.
I miss having my girls always blowing up my phone, demanding me to hang out with them on a Wednesday night at 2 a.m. when I'm already half asleep.
I miss being able to tell them everything, not just over text, but in person, so I can see their reactions and hear what they have to say.
I miss doing crazy things and just feeling like nothing can stop me because I have my girls by my side.
I honestly just miss watching a movie with them, talking about what's going on in the world and ordering 4 pizzas, bread sticks, and dessert. And eating all of it.
What hurts the most is seeing them with new best friends.
But it's not convenient for you anymore -- the things I was going through were too much for you and you never understood it.
We all have battles we need to fight in our own lives, and sometimes people don't stick around to see the end result.
Well, I won my battle, it sucks you guys couldn't have stayed around to see me win it.