You know that you're the controlling friend because all of your friends and family know you like things to be a "particular way." It's not a bad thing, it's just the way that you are. Besides, if everyone was easygoing, none of the important things in life would get done.
1. You struggle to work on a team.
Teamwork, in general, isn't really a thing for you. You try to divide up the work evenly on school projects, but you always end up doing the bulk of it yourself. There is always a super-human force that takes hold of your brain and won't allow you to simply "loosen the reins." It's really hard for you to let other people do things because the only way to get something done right is to do it yourself.
2. You can't accept help in the kitchen, ever.
The whole "teamwork" thing is especially true when cooking. You're very particular about the way you want your vegetables sliced, and the proportion of salt to pepper that you want on your chicken. Not to mention the timing of everything has to be perfect and you can't handle someone in your way and slowing you down. Two is a crowd in the kitchen, and that's why people have to catch you on a good day if they want to preheat the oven, or maybe even boil a pot of water if they're really lucky.
3. You are the most annoying roommate.
None of your roommates will ever be good enough. The crumbs on the kitchen counter will forever make your soul shiver. You try to be easy going, but it just never works, and you can only clean up after someone for so long before you freak out. Your roommate group chat mostly consists of you complaining about the dishes in the sink or the constant overflowing trash can. You can practically see your roommates rolling their eyes at you through the screen, but they will never understand your OCD tendencies. Admit it, you have a lot of pet peeves, but at the end of the day, you acknowledge that it's not everyone else that's the problem, it's you.
4. You have to train your significant other how to deal with you.
They know you're nuts, and they're still willing to date you, but to really make it work you have to train them as your dog. You probably screamed the first time you saw their facial hair trimmings all over the bathroom sink, or when they walked on your white carpet with their shoes. You probably also swiftly corrected this behavior like the controlling freak that you are. Now, you live your happiest life because your significant other now knows the "correct" way to make your bed in the morning, and where to leave their shoes when they come over.
5. You plan all friend outings.
And if it wasn't your idea, you adopt it as your own and figure out all the details. Letting other people plan things is hard because you demand to know things ahead of time, like the date, time, dress code, method of transportation, guest list, restaurant menu- you have to know it all, or you aren't going. You also take most of the pictures at these outings on your phone because you want to be in charge of distributing them to everyone the next day.
You might be the most controlling person you know, but it's all a part of your charm. Besides, the world is a better, more organized place with you in it.