For most of us, college is the time for making mistakes and then making even more mistakes before we fix even the first one. It's a time where you can think you're one person one day — and then realize the next that you're completely different than you thought. It's hard feeling like this, because people have expectations for us. They expect us to be interested in certain things, be friends with certain people, have a certain style, or even have a certain career path that they think suits us.
We can feel extremely boxed in by expectations, especially the ones we have for ourselves. When we contradict these expectations by doing something outside of our "normal," it can be surprising, or even confusing. Don't freak out! Going outside of the box you've always been in means you're changing and change is good!
Walt Whitman wrote in his poem "Song of Myself": "Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes."
You are a human being and that means you can change and evolve. You are capable of so much more than you probably even realize! You are capable of being whatever version of yourself and having whatever version of your life that you set out to have: Even if it seems contradictory to you or another person.
Imagine all the things you could do if you weren't afraid of what other people would think? Imagine all the things you could do if you stopped limiting yourself to who and what you think you are?
The truth is that you are capable of so much more than you think... Which includes having new experiences and taking risks that could change you; but, this isn't a bad thing. You contain infinite possibilities just by being alive and who you are.
So the next time you're thinking about changing your major, making that big move, getting that really cute shirt... whatever it is, and you think to yourself that you can't do it because it isn't like you: Remember that you can. Don't limit yourself. You are large. You contain multitudes.