6. The Illuminati controls to world. | The Odyssey Online
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6 Conspiracy Theories That Will Have You Questioning Your Sanity

What lies beyond the truth is up to you.

6 Conspiracy Theories That Will Have You Questioning Your Sanity

The world is filled with a variety of mysteries and facts that are always questioned by humans. We want to understand why the way things are and sometimes not believe what we are told. It's all human nature. So, that's the reason conspiracy theories are created and have become somewhat of a cult following for some of the theories discussed. What lies beyond the truth is up to you to decide.

1. Tupac is alive and well.

Tupac Shakur was a very influential hip-hop rapper, actor, and even a political and social activist. He spoke in his songs about inner-city hardships, violence, racism and social issues important to him. He was killed by a drive-by shooting at age 25 in Las Vegas, and the police could not find who the suspected shooter was to this day. People believed that he wanted a change in his life and fled to Cuba where his aunt, Assata Shakur, a former Black Panther, currently lives under political asylum.

2. Area 51 fosters alien life.

Area 51, known by the CIA as Groom Lake, is probably one of the most well-known conspiracy theories. This Air Force base located near Las Vegas is suspected to store high advance alien technology and warfare by the government. This base was randomly selected in 1955 for secret operatives to test the prototypes of the U-2 spy plane. There have been a variety of UFO sightings around this area. The government has proclaimed all information about Area 51 as classified and top secret, fueling the mystery of the purpose of Area 51.

3. Avril Lavigne is a clone.

Lavigne gave us those good sing-a-long pop songs we all still sing to this day. Her fame rose around the 2000's, and the theory was that she could not handle the fame so hired a doppelgänger named Melissa. Some believe that the real Avril Lavigne eventually died so the company permanently replaced her with Melissa. The alleged proof is in the facial features that changed from 2003 to now and her change in music from pop-punk to k-pop. There is even a photo from a photoshoot of Avril Lavigne having the name Melissa written on her hand - coincidence or not?

4. "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" is actually "Dante's Inferno."

"Dante's Inferno" is a classic poem in which a man goes on a journey through different levels of hell. A man in a boat named Charon carries newly dead souls from the living realm to the dead realm. In the Willy Wonka Movie, Wonka leads a group of children and their parents through a terrifying boat trip through his factory. His monologue while on the river describes the fires of hell, stating, "Are the fires of Hell a-glowing, is the grisly reaper mowing?" In "Dante's Inferno," each level of punishment correlates to what the sin was committed before death. Likewise, in "Charlie in the Chocolate Factory," each child is punished based on the act he or she committed. For example, August Gloop, who is gluttonous with the chocolate river, is sucked into one of the tubes and almost drowns. At the end of Dante's Inferno, Dante ascends out of Hell, and in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," Charlie leaves the factory up to the sky. Seems a bit coincidental.

5. The earth is flat.

As stated in history first by the Greeks around 500 B.C. and then scientifically proven by Aristotle, the Earth is indeed round. However, people are skeptics to this day and believe that the Earth is flat. The Flat Earth Society was founded in 1956 by Samuel Shenton. They believe that the Earth is a disc with the Arctic Circle in the center. The ice wall that surrounds the Earth is supposedly guarded by NASA employees, so nobody falls off. They also believe that Earth's gravity is an illusion, the photos of the globe is photoshopped, and that the secrecy from the government is for financial gain. Spooky.

6. The Illuminati controls to world.

Many people speak of a secret society called the "Illuminati," which apparently Jay-Z and Beyonce are a part of. People believe that this secret group plans to create one world government, becoming the most powerful entity on the globe. Whether this is truly a real coalition or simply a joke is uncertain.

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