We've all head the theories: 9/11 was an inside job, JFK wasn't assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald and the many others. But the one thing we never hear is: is it disrespectful to question the official investigation results?
In recent months, I've noticed more and more conspiracy theories coming out, mainly about how someone has died and that has made me question, is it disrespectful to believe this or keeping their memories alive by questioning the initial reports? With Black Lives Matter being an issue, blatant falsification of records has me questioning - do all death certificates need to be questioned? It doesn't really change the matter that they are dead - there is no bringing them back.
But does the questioning allow for the actual culprit to be found and held accountable for their actions? Or do we just leave the dead in their graves, because it is virtually impossible for things like 9/11 conspiracy theories to be proven (at least not for another 50+ years). For some people, rehashing of how their loved ones died or questioning the exact circumstances can be more painful.
Take the jumping man for instance: when they were trying to locate the family of the man in this infamous photo, the family that they initially thought was related to the man were horrified and insulted to be told that their religious father and husband had committed suicide. They caused that family so much grief after incorrectly identifying a small detail in the photo.
And that's what most conspiracy theories are: too much focus on a very insignificant detail. "Oh, see that little black spec in the corner of the film? I bet that's a missile of some sort," and just little things like that.
While the government doesn't help us by taking all the footage of the specific day, and still hasn't released it, I would say it is disrespectful to make up conspiracy theories on events like the Pulse shooting and 9/11. Why? Because it doesn't change the fact that innocent people died. It doesn't change the fact that they are never coming back and can never speak for themselves.
Things like Black Lives Matter and Korryn Gaines need conspiracy theories for them because shady things happened that are obvious cover ups. Things like 9/11 have conspiracy theories that rely on such minor details that it is ridiculous and rude. Please just think of the people who were affected, who are never going to see their loved ones again, and the misery you are putting them through when you make up these theories. Please think before you type.