One of my favorite pastimes is diving deep into the endless hole of conspiracy theories the Internet has to offer. I can’t tell you how many nights I’ve gotten lost in the thrill of thinking about all the what-ifs these theories provide. These are some of the many conspiracy theories that have me shook to this day.
1. Mattress store conspiracy
A post on Reddit went viral recently expressing a theory on why there are so many mattress stores in every city. It’s not something I’ve ever noticed or given much thought to, but when you think about it, why IS there such an abundance of mattress stores?
I don’t know about you, but I’ve never woken up one day and had the urge to go mattress shopping. When I searched my area on google maps for mattress stores, I was surprised to see how many there were (pic below).
The Reddit post claimed that mattress stores are money laundering schemes.
If you make a lot of money doing illegal activities, like selling drugs or prostitution, you don’t want it to be traced by the government. A way to keep the money under the radar is to buy a business and say all the illegal money is coming from your “business”. This would make a lot of sense to why there are so many mattress stores so close together, maybe they’re all owned by the same person who is making money illegally?
2. The government is watching
If you have some form of social media, I’m sure you’ve seen a meme or two poking fun at the idea that the government is watching us.
Is it really that hard to believe though? We inevitably give away a lot of privacy rights when we hit “accept” while downloading apps and software updates instead of reading the terms and conditions. Then when you open the apps you also give permission to access your camera, contacts, photos, location etc. Do you know who you're giving permission to access these things? Does it even say? Will I read the terms and conditions to find out? (No)
3. California wildfires
So far in 2018, there has been a mass destruction in California due to sporadic wildfires. I know wildfires are a natural occurrence, but there is a theory that the ones in California aren’t natural at all.
In drone footage of the areas affected by the “wildfires,” you see houses and buildings completely obliterated while surrounding trees and bushes are completely untouched by fire on the outside.
The theory is that the government is testing out nuclear weapons in the form of lasers. The biggest laser ever made is housed in California. That doesn’t seem like a coincidence to me.
In the movie RoboCop that was made way back in the 80s, there was a scene where a news anchor explains that there were ten thousand acres of residential land that was scorched when a huge laser made for defense misfired. The same locations that were hit in the movie are the ones that are currently being burned by “wildfires.”
Additionally, when houses catch on fire, they don’t completely burn down to the ground and turn to ash. There is a little structure still standing. When you look at the aftermath of the California fires, there's nothing. Everything is completely obliterated. Even cars, the glass, and metal were melted. Fires don't melt glass...
I don't know if I fully believe any of these theories, but they all make a lot of sense. If they end up being proven, I wouldn't be surprised. If you don't hear from me after this, just know my assigned FBI agent saw that I exposed him and he's holding me captive. Send help.