I was once in your shoes. I have had this "thought" cross my mind more than I would like to admit. I don't know your story, but I know you're a fighter. I remember the first time I thought about suicide. It was five years ago, I was sitting in my room at the end of my bed, crying my eyes out, thinking I could end it.
I could end the pain and the hurt. Honestly I don't think I would've gone through with it. I was young and extremely naive. However I do remember telling myself "I want to have kids, I want to get married, I want to go to high school, and most importantly I want to drive." If you knew me growing up, I could not wait to get my learners' license. Every year I got older, I would tell my parents "Only x many more years until I can drive!"
Now you make this list. What are things you want to accomplish in your life? Write these down and stick this somewhere. Maybe that is your bathroom mirror, in the shower, on your dashboard of your car, by your bed. Where ever it is, look at this every day. Use this as motivation to push through those bad thoughts and demons in your head.
The beginning of July, I got my first tattoo. It's a semi-colon. Some of you may know the meaning behind it, but for me, the meaning is "I continued, when I could've ended."
I'm currently a freshman in high school, 18, and enjoying what life brings every day. I will admit I thought about giving up but I am here. I'm here to prove that depression doesn't have to win and those voices don't define who I am. I have crossed some of those things off that I wanted to do. I have my license, I went to high school and graduated, and now I am on my way to becoming a nurse.
I believe in you. I love you.