My mom has made countless sacrifices to give me the best, ever since the day she found out she was pregnant with me. She provides me with love, comfort, “girl” support, fun times, memories, friendship, advice, and food. There are things in life, as a daughter, that I just need my mama for. I love my parents equally, but my dad and I have a special, weird, awesome relationship. There’s things that happen between my dad and I that have never happened with any other person on earth.
I also know I’m a daddy’s girl because. . .
1. I’m jealous of my mom
My mom is simply the luckiest woman on this planet because she married my dad. I wonder if there could be any other guys out there in this day and age that have similar qualities and are as awesome as my dad.
2. We have the same temperament
There’s things my dad says, does, and thinks that are so similar to the way I am that I get freaked out. Mom often says, “You’re just like your dad” when I say or do something.
3. I like and dislike the same things
Both my dad and I like our peanut butter on both slices of bread so that the bread doesn’t get soggy from the jelly. We don’t like it when people are nosy and we don’t like to be an inconvenience to someone.
4. We have the same opinions
And can rant about each of our opinions, including why the opposing opinion doesn’t stand a chance.
5. I fantasize about my dad walking me down the aisle at my wedding
I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. I’ll be making a commitment to another man, though I’ve been committed to my dad since day one.
6. I share a sense of humor with my dad
Yeah, my dad can crack out the typical “dad jokes”, but I have to admit that his bad humor has rubbed off on me. I can spit back jokes that are equally as bad or sarcastic. Getting a laugh out of my dad is a secret hobby of mine.
7. I react to conflict in the same manner
When my dad is having a bad day or he has gotten into an argument with someone, I can usually understand what he’s feeling because I react the same way and vice versa.
8. I get my style from my dad more than my mom
In my household, my dad is more about comfort and my mom is more about fashion. Although my mother has given me decent fashion advice, I often tend to dress like my dad and even wear his clothes sometimes.
9. I admire my dad’s work ethic
My dad has never worked half-heartedly. Even if he’s just raking the lawn, he’s always making sure he gets the job done the best way. When I work at school or my job or on a side project for my dad, I want to work the same way my dad does.
10. I have similar priorities as my dad as I get older
God has always been my first priority because my earthly dad has shown me how important it is to keep Him first, even above family. Everything else falls into place after God: Family, friends, school, hunting and being outdoors, work.
11. He’s the best life coach I will ever have
There aren’t many people on earth that push me the way my dad does. Whether it be spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, or financial support that I am needing, Dad does his best to help me. If he feels that he can’t, he’ll direct me to the One who can.
12. I wish other young adults my age could have experienced having a dad like mine
I don’t think I would be the person I am today if it weren’t for the ways my dad has touched my life the past 19 years. His unique teachings and advice, our years of memories and hard times have made my relationship with my dad one-of-a-kind. I’d love to share him with others.
13. I couldn’t imagine not having my dad in my life
There are a billion things in this life that could take my dad away from me, so I don’t take for granted the fact that he's with me right now.
Thanks, Dad. I’ll always be your little hunting angel.