We often see the word, "Political Correctness," used an insult by some to mean purposefully ambiguous, or as part of the idea of, "Word policing." Those on the Left are often accused of being "Too politically correct," by preferring to use words to avoid offense. Phrases such as; "Poc," instead of, "Blacks, Mexicans, and Asians," or; "Disabled," instead of, "Crippled." Apparently calling people what they prefer to be called makes you a spineless, Politically correct Liberal, instead of what we'd call, "A decent human being." The idea of being politically correct is that you should feel a societal shame for using non-approved words, which are often tied into people own personal ideologies. The truth is, political correctness exists on both sides of the spectrum, even if Conservatives don't like to point out their own use of it in their crusade against PC culture.
So let's look at a few examples of Political Correctness on the Conservative Side:
1. "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques," as opposed to, "torture." Which is to say, "Of course I need to waterboard him until his heart stops, how else am I going to crack this middle-Easter goat herder?"
2. "Clean coal," because nothing burns cleaner than a solid rock of Carbon.
3. "Pro-Life," instead of anti-abortion; which is strange considering they forget their pro-life status as soon as the baby is born into a home that cannot support it, where it then becomes a "tax burden."
4. "Family values," because "gay bashing" is
5. "Socialist," which is often used as a catchall for, "anything the government does." Apparently, roads and public utilities would count as socialism, making Augustus Caesar one of the biggest socialist of all-time.
6. "Marxist." Used as a scarier term for Socialist, though still having less to do with either actual socialism or Marxism. See: Barack Obama and Bill Clinton as examples of, "Marxist Commie bastards."
7. "Thug;" Conservatives are still really mad they can't say the "N-word."
8. "Global Warming Skeptic," instead of, "Global Warming Denier." Because "I don't know guys, who's really to say that a global increase in temperature is caused by humans. " isn't being in denial when your state is underwater.
9. "Fiscally Conservative," which means, "taxes are bad, but of course we need to spend half our budget on out military," and yet still end up increasing the national debt by 200%.
10. "Forced Association," because multiculturalism and other people scare me.
11. "Free speech zones." Yeah, you can have your free speech, just stand over in that square there and try not to make too much noise, thanks.
12. "Affluenza," which is much more acceptable than poor-fluenza.
These make up a small part of the myriad of Conservative Politically correct phrases that make up the right. It's so PC to be anti-PC, so maybe everyone should just calm down a bit and recognize the humor in their own hypocrisy. The idea that we should use certain words instead of others kind of defeats the purpose of the First Amendment. I firmly believe you have the right to voice whatever stupid opinion you have, and I reserve the right to tell you exactly how stupid your opinion is. At the end of the day, the words you say have an effect on other people, you have to decide whether the words you use express what you think.