This is an important idea for people to hear about. Sometimes I believe people base their morals, political views and goals on what their parents believe. I'm a perfect example for that not being the case. I think the stigma of following your parent's views should change. People should go out and discover what they truly believe instead of resting on how they were raised.
I come from a smaller town in south-eastern Minnesota. I want to think the way I was raised has something to do with the environment I was born into. Red Wing, Minnesota is a small town with community values. There are local business owners and some big corporations out of Red Wing as well. the old money of Red Wing has some ideas of how people think our country should be run. Many adults I know in Red Wing are Republican. My parents raised me as Republican, but once I ventured out of my tiny, bluff-surrounded town, I realized there is so much more to life than traditional views.
I grew up a Republican thinking that George Bush was the best thing that happened to this country. I grew up thinking Conservative was the way our country should be run. I grew up thinking that a politician allowing abortions was a horrible person. I grew up not having a voice for my gender or my age group.
I always knew that some of my ideas were different than my parents or other people around me. I never had a strong opinion on being Conservative. I realize now it is because I didn't always believe in the views.
When I came to college was when I sparked the interest of politics and the way our society works. I realized our society has so much to work toward but that we are so capable of the ideas of peace and equality. We have so many resources to make us a grateful society. We should use this for good not evil.
I'm not saying that I am a die-hard political fan or that I believe one way is better than the other. Frankly, I believe that politics have become a game show. I'm definitely saying that the way you were raised does not have to be your outcome of views for the rest of your life.