First of all, let me start by introducing myself...
I am officially a content creator for the Odyssey!
But, before that, and yet, I can tell you I am not your average woman.
I chose to start writing for the Odyssey because I believe it is a great way to connect with people and share ideas around the globe. I started writing a book and decided to take this opportunity to publish my ideas. I hope we have shared interests...although, I have a good feeling! This article is mostly about me and my ideas and a glimpse of what my future articles will look like. I must warn you, creativity may flow and you may be tempted to join! There are no limits to categories.
Feel free to keep reading.
After all...
One word I would use to describe myself is eccentric.
I study at the University of Miami, majoring in neuroscience and art, with minors in chemistry and biology.
After all...
I am currently shadowing a neurosurgeon, Dr. Komotar, at the University of Miami Hospital, and have seen multiple brain tumors removed. This has led me to think of the possibilities behind the future with medicine and technology.
I am extremely interested in consciousness.
And have a theory of my own that I plan on sharing later on. Because I think that...
Animal agriculture, right now, is the No.1 leading cause of global warming. Big companies are misusing our resources (water) and the government is allowing it...
Through my teenage years, I have learned that the mind is everything. Hence my major.
During rough times, I was showed the power of the mind and how to use it to achieve my goals. Whatever your mind can conceive, you can achieve, ladies and gentlemen.
I've learned it's not only a motivational quote but also a biological process.
The law of attraction means positive or negative, you attract it all. And it all comes down to your thoughts. Your mind creates your reality. You can find me...
I don't know if you've heard, but thoughts are matter!
Oh, and I'm a feminist.
I also believe the educational system is outdated for our generation and is limiting our capacity to learn.
But, I do things because...
I've traveled a relatively large amount to have acculturated in different atmospheres since, "travel is good for the soul and experiences are necessary for growth."
I have been all over Europe, the U.K., Peru, Guatemala, B.V.I. and the United States (Florida, Colorado, Minnesota, North Carolina and Louisiana).
Finally, I am from San Juan, Puerto Rico. Boricua!
That might explain...
So now that you got to know me a bit, I hope you'll keep on reading.
Here are some pictures and fun facts about me I would like to share before exiting the page!
I'm eternally in love with puppies.
A quick way to get to my heart:
But remember...
So talk to me about you.