In todays society almost everyone has a cell phone, a tablet, or a computer. Marketing companies are pushing the younger generation to purchase electronics. Many companies purposely aim their commercials at children at the age of two. Although at this young age it is impossible for a child to purchase an electronic on their own but these companies are counting on these children begging their parents for whatever it is they want and the parents just giving in.
When will everyone start to realize that life is outside of your screen and passing you by? I know that many people say this, but how many young people today actually realize it? Over the last five years’ dependency on electronic devices has increased significantly. I remember when I was in 8th grade I got my first phone and it was a slide up phone and it was so difficult to text or do anything other than call people. Nowadays, Kindergarten aged children have their own iPhones and can use them just as well as an adult can. When are we as a society going to notice that this is not the type of nurture that children need.
Nurture vs nature is a very common topic for educators around the world. You need both nurture and nature in childhood and throughout your life to understand the world around you. Many children today are missing out on the nurture that was once provided before technology was such a common part of our lifestyle. Although many children have nurture it is being provided by an electronic instead of by a human. This contact and human interaction is necessary for development. Children are using their interaction time with adults starting when they are born. Even when feeding a child, the interaction that they receive during that time is crucial to their development. If you as a parent or provider are on your phone or distracted by something else the child isn’t receiving that nurturing attention he or she needs. So think before leaving a child in front of the TV, an iPad, or in a crib. Think of a way to include them or find some type of interaction for them like a book or an interactive toy that isn’t a screen.
Many people today do not realize how much technology has effected them or how lucky they are to live in a time where we have such fascinating technology. It is a wonderful thing to have and enjoy but there are also negative side effects. We have lost the connection of communication with others. We can send each other texts and emails but rarely do we call each other or talk to each other in person anymore. Even though this is now what is normal it doesn’t mean that this is what is good for us. Human interaction is important, much more important than we realize. While social medias and the internet are effective; meeting people face to face means that you can understand them on a much more personal level than just sending emails or text messages. Social interaction is one of the most important factors in well being for all ages.
Photographer Eric Pickersgill has captured how addicted we are to our technology in the cover photo. It shows how little interaction we have today. Especially at events in which people should be paying attention. By being connected all the time we have unconnected ourselves from those around us. We are constantly missing important moments in our lives because the only things that seems to matter are our phones. Take some time out of your day and interact with someone face to face, play a game with your children, and notice life outside of your screen.
“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” ~Christian Louis Lange