Recently a United States Congressman was visiting a Holocaust memorial. The Louisiana Representative was so moved by the power of the memorial, that he decided to begin recording a message to the American people.
The only thing that is wrong with this, however, is that instead of waiting to step outside or speak from back in his hotel room, the congressman recorded from right inside the former Nazi gas chamber.
The congressman speaks about national security and protecting Americans from terrorism of that degree. Many people were outraged that he used the memorial as a "platform for re-election"
The video spends most of the time avoiding specifics like holocaust genocide or even mass murder as Representative Higgins leads his own "guided tour" of sorts.
Watching the video it is clear he is glossing over the ugly truth and only shows a glimmer of the terror that went on in those very walls. Only to then begin passionately speaking about American security and how something like Nazi Germany could happen on our own soil if we don't protect ourselves and build a stronger military.
It was one thing to be inspired and speak to that, however, to use another nation's tragedy to promote your own agenda is being viewed by most people as disrespectful to those whose lives were lost in the most brutal genocide. To compare smaller scale terrorism happening today is something that does not shed a positive light on American soil.
The video, which was uploaded to Youtube, and has since gone viral, opens up the question of social media and campaigns when things are done to help and promote or when they cause more harm than good.
Is it time that we back down from social media propaganda, especially in times such as visiting a site of genocide?
When our country is facing trial for an overly media friendly government administration an act like this seems to further enhance the need to cut down on the media and work on our own internal American issues.
The Congressman was in poor taste when he disrespected the lives we mourn when visiting memorials such as Auschwitz. Ignoring clear signs to remain silent and commemorate lives, he also disregarded the history and culture. Speaking passionately about protecting Americans in another country while visiting a site of their tragedy.
The Holocaust was a world-wide tragedy and one that should be treated with the mournfulness and severity it deserves. If the congressman had waited to be outside to a few words about how he was inspired, this would not be an issue. However, he chose to speak from inside the chambers where there is sacred silence and it became very distasteful.