On Thursday morning, I worked the morning show at the radio station. I am supposed to play news from the Associated Press twice an hour. I usually enjoy listening to the news, I think it's a great way to keep up with what's going on in the country, however, I did not enjoy hearing the news that morning.
Thursday was the morning I heard the story that Republicans in Congress will be voting to repeal Obamacare and have little to no plan on what to do next. The bill to repeal Obamacare was passed through the Senate and was being sent to the House.
I could not believe what I heard. I am not a huge fan of Obamacare, but Congress should know how they are going to fix the problem of more than 20 million of people not having healthcare. Not to mention, repealing Obamacare would cost the government $350 billion. That is $350 billion that could go to helping the sick that can't afford health insurance.
The actions that the Republicans in the Senate are taking seems to be based on anger and frustration. They finally seem to have power in the Senate and are rushing to use it.
Repealing Obamacare should not be an easy or rushed decision. Nothing should be done out of spite. This is not a game, people's live are drastically changed by the decisions made by the government. It is fiscally irresponsible that this decision is being made without the proper preparations.
So dear Congress, dear Senate, and dear Mr. Trump:
With all due respect, as you proceed with your attempts to repeal Obamacare, please remember that you are running a country, not a business. Your main job is to keep the members of the country safe. Access to healthcare is an essential part of keeping people safe from illness. Please realize that with the vote you are making, you are taking away health care from someone who can't afford it. No matter what political party you are affiliated with, I'm sure you can agree that everyone deserves access to health care when ill.
Maybe Obamacare is not the answer, but neither is the decision to let millions of people go without health care. Whatever decision you choose, make sure you are certain, because this is not just about the money, this is about people's lives.
Sincerely yours,
A concerned college student.
"US House of Representatives Passes Bill in First Step to Repeal Obamacare." BBC News. BBC, 13 Jan. 2017. Web. 14 Jan. 2017.