What Congress Can Learn From Star Trek | The Odyssey Online
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What Congress Can Learn From Star Trek

Lessons that will allow them to live long and prosper

What Congress Can Learn From Star Trek
Retrogasm via Tumblr

Aliens, starships, logic, and moral lessons. These are elements that are consistent throughout every episode of the beloved TV series, Star Trek. The original series, which aired in the 1960s, is my go-to show when I decide to binge watch Netflix. Aside from cheesy special effects (which I happen to love), the episodes teach life lessons that everyone should carry with them. Including, or maybe especially, the United States Government (congress in particular).

Below I’ve listed three lessons (via quotes) from the original series of Star Trek that can and should be applied by the members of congress.

1. “I am pleased to see that we have differences. May we together become greater than the sum of both of us.”

I have read many articles that claim this congress, the 114th, to be the most inefficient in history (besides the 112th). Congressmen are not doing their jobs. In light of many tragedies, they simply tweet their “thoughts and prayers” and then go on recess instead of making laws or at the very least solutions that would benefit the American people if put into action. The question is why? The answer: there are too many differences between the political parties to get anything done. Of course, with the majority of one party in control of congress the votes will sway in that party’s favor. It’s no wonder that nothing is getting done. Even if both sides do agree on something, just one opposing vote from someone in the dominating party will throw everything off kilter. Congress is supposed to make laws that benefit and protect America. They need to stop arguing and start compromising. Instead of two fighting halves trying to make a semi-functioning whole, they need to be two willing-to-work-together halves to make a fully-functional whole, as the above quote states.

2.“Change is the essential process of all existence.”

Humans need change like fish need water. Change either brings tragedy in which we grow stronger, or, it brings us happiness in which we thrive. Congress is responsible for the changes (good or bad) in our country. The laws that they pass either bring us great frustration, or peace of mind. We need the laws that they pass to grow and develop as a country. If congress does not pass any laws (which members are paid $200 grand annually to do), they are depriving us of growth. They deprive us of a peace of mind, security, and overall faith in our government. Congress passing laws isn’t something that we should see as an oasis. We shouldn’t be used to them sitting on their butts and just thinking about getting work done while hundreds and thousands of people are suffering or having their lives cut short from their lack of action. That’s not what they’re getting paid to do. They are getting paid to work with each other to make our country better. Laws bring change and we need change to survive, as this quote says.

3.“It's not required that you like each other. Just... do your job.”

In life, we are often required to work with people that we don’t particularly care for. This is something we have to do in order to make progress. This is a concept that congressmen can’t seem to wrap their heads around. They don’t like each other’s political beliefs and that’s getting in the way of them getting their work done. When it comes to doing big projects (such as passing laws and agreeing on a budget) everyone needs to work together. They don’t have to like each other, just respect one another. Running a country isn’t easy. Congressmen have worked hard to get to their position, I’ll give them that, but what good is being there if they aren’t willing to work together? They need to respect one another as fellow congressmen and work with one another to make America the best country that it can be. They need to respect one another’s beliefs even if they conflict with their own. As a direct statement to congressmen: Don’t like each other, but do your job. America’s citizens are depending on you and we will respect you more for taking action in these times when action is sorely needed.

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