Congratulations! You failed! These are words that I can say with quite a bit of confidence we have never heard, but why not? So what, things didn't go the way you would have hoped, but guess what. You are one fall closer to the thing that is going to raise you higher. God can never give us something we don't have room for! Instead of sitting around and being upset and feeling bad for yourself try these __ steps to get back on your feet. Don't worry I too am slowly making my way through them.
1. Feel bad for yourself.
Yes I know I just said don't do this, but the truth is you have to mourn for a minute, but that is it! Spend the night crying. Scream a little if you need to! Other people will understand.You have every right to be upset! If you aren't upset you didn't really want it! Show the world your passion. Stop trying to put up this wall like nothing is wrong. I promise you people will have more respect for you than you thing for crying over the things that you wanted. Now, this does not mean you get to be a toddler and throw a tantrum. Don't throw yourself on the floor and scream about why not you. The answer will always be one of two things: 1. It wasn't your time or 2. It isn't your thing. Either way, this is something you have to accept. Which leads me to step two.
2. Accept the decision.
Whether it is being accepted to a club or becoming a member of a sports team. There is someone who is in charge of making the decision that is truly going to change your life. Whether that is a big or small change it is still a change and your life won't be the same after it. We give these people this power to make the decision, but then if things don't go how we want we want to question their decision. Why? Because we are human and we never want to hear we aren't good enough. Well let me tell you something you are good enough for something, but not everything, so it is time to suck up the tears and say either I am going to work until I make it or this wasn't for me and move on. Either way, it is time to take a breath and continue to walk forward, because the world hasn't and doesn't have any plans to stop so you can catch up.
3. Move up or Move on
Now it's time to look at yourself in the mirror and decide. Do I want to work to move up and try again or is it time to take the loss and move on? I can tell you, either way, you can't go wrong. If this is where your heart is then God will present you with the key that will unlock the door you just have to put forth the effort it takes to get there. If you decide to move on God will either open a new door and bring you back to this one. God will never steer us the wrong way. We may steer ourselves incorrectly, but he will always get us back on track. This step is the longest and the most difficult. You either work harder than you have ever worked or you make the choice to walk away from something that you thought was going to be a part of your life.
As I look back on my life I realize how many times I have needed these steps. I can tell you don't try to skip one because whether you like it our not they will all come around eventually and if you deny them they will only come back stronger. Whatever decision you make remember to alway keep looking forward.