To the recent high school senior who has just walked across the stage and accepted their diploma, this one is for you. As you venture into adult life, there are some things that individuals may have forgotten to tell you. Whether you are attending a junior college, Cal State or university, what life may hit you with is probably not what you planned for.
I am talking to the ones who don’t know exactly what they’re going to do with their life now that they are on their own, to the ones who don’t have to be reminded every day from their parents to get up and go to school, the ones who don’t know if they want to go to school or end up working a full-time job. Yes, you; the ones that think adult life is going to be easy and are celebrating because you have no more homework or teachers riding you. Let me tell you that it’s not that easy and there are times in life when you may face obstacles, but just know it’s not over.
What people forgot to tell you is that you might be hit with obstacles whether it be a family death or not being able to land a job to pay for college. You might even have to take some years of college off to work and save money for your education. I am here to tell you that it’s okay and it's life. Welcome to the adult world. There are some individuals who will fly through college and have a job lined up right after graduating, and if you are not that person don’t put yourself down because everyone has a different road to take. Take risks and take your time. It's your road to success and not anyone else’s.
As a currently 25-year-old college student, I was one of those on the road to success and I never thought I would come across so many obstacles. I took time off from college, I even left my college to come home and take care of my grandpa and attend college back home; talk about a major let down for me. The point is I didn’t let those obstacles stop me from continuing my education and neither should you. If you're thinking about taking time off from college to work full-time, I would say rethink that decision because once you start making that money, you will see how often money will come before your education and not long after that, you will see that the money isn't worth it in the short-term.
I am not here to tell you how to live your life, because I won’t even let anyone tell me how to live my life, but I am here to let you know that you will come across obstacles in life and your life as an adult is not over yet. Continue to strive in this world. You’re an adult now. To those individuals who are unsure about the next step, take it from me and go out there and enjoy life because you only live once. Continue your higher education. Even if it takes you forever, the point is you didn’t give up. Congratulations to the class of 2016, as you embark on this new journey. You will soon come to realize that it’s way different than anything you ever expected.