Hey Buddy,
50 lbs is a big step. You did it, but you're not done yet. At least, according to you.
Check it out.
Images: Andrew Cutrone/Instagram
I can't believe that, in just six months, you pushed yourself and took huge leaps to better your mind and your body. I cannot express how proud I am of you. I'm even more grateful to know that I had even the smallest role in helping you along the way.
I don't know if I should be emotional over this, but I feel like I need to be and I need you to understand where I'm coming from in this whole scenario. I've known you for as long as I can actually remember (I, oddly enough, don't have the most exact memory of my childhood), but what I started to remember vividly from my past were our times spent at backyard pool parties, the baseball diamond, and in the unnecessarily difficult AP classes that we voluntarily took.
We have taken our own distinct paths. I took to track & field and you to the trumpet. We both excelled, thankfully. Even if we didn't see each other as much as we'd have liked, we both knew that, at the end of the day, I'd be there for you and you for me.
So, as I am writing this to you, it's likely that you're in the gym or playing the trumpet. That's something that I know and the fact that I know that is a testament to your unparalleled dedication to your craft and to your future, a quality that was instilled in both of us.
I miss you like crazy and I can't even believe that you've made such a huge impact on the course of your life in such a short amount of time. I'm so proud.
Recently, we've just been idiots with each other by reciting movie quotes from all of the classics and even the newest one: "Dude, Matt straight up sucks!"
Image: blu-ray.com
When we do that in front of people and everyone questions our intelligence, or even our general ability to function on a daily basis, it reaffirms all of the good times and the completely one-of-a-kind connection that we have.
Sure, we don't do much of the same thing anymore. Like I said, you're a musical genius and I'm just a genius in general (not at all), yet all of our jokes and mental processes are weirdly aligned and it scares me that that's even possible.
I can't wait until March so that we can train together, see "2oolander," make fun of each other, and, most importantly, eat "poof."
I'm terribly sorry if the rest of you don't understand any of this or if you think that I'm completely crazy. That's my fault, I guess. I am crazy, by the way.
Basically, man, this is just me saying congrats. I know that things may seem tough now, but, hopefully, this will let you know that all of your hard work is not going unnoticed by your family, friends, and me.
Cheers, bud.
Image: giphy.com