So we're in the midst of graduation season. Our social medias are filled with popped bottles of champagne, colored ropes and cords, and decorated graduation caps. We're sentimental as we realize that some of the most important people in our lives have closed one chapter and now it's time for them to move on to the next. And while this is the first graduation season that I feel truly affected by, I'm not viewing it in a negative way. Instead, I'm thankful for the role you graduates have played in my life and in return, there are a few things I want you all to know.
First, quit. worrying. You will find a job and you will find what you're supposed to do for the rest of your life. Sometimes your path might take a few more twists and turns than someone else's- but you will all reach your destination. So don't rush things or compare your future with others. Everyone is different and you will be successful.
Second, never give up on what you love. What's really awesome about our world is that remember when you were sitting in Calculus and you were thinking "Wow, whoever needs to use this in their career is someone I truly feel sorry for"? Well someone finds that exhilarating! The things you don't want to do is someone else's passion. So do not give up yours- because it's what makes you happy and someone else might find it to be a chore. It's what makes us all unique and to abandon that in fear of not making enough money would be a shame.
Third, never forget what makes you, well, you. You've entered and exited my life as a role model. You're someone I look up to because you're paving the way before me. You knew how to balance social life with making strong friendships with managing schoolwork and carrying a job. You knew how to make me feel included when I was young and insecure. You made my world a positive one to live in, whether you knew it or not. Therefore, anyone who gets to meet you along your post-graduation path is truly lucky. Don't ever forget it and don't ever stray away from what makes you so great. People will appreciate and love you for being you, just like I always will.
And lastly, know that this is not goodbye. It doesn't matter if you're across the country or just down the street, I will always be there for you. As mentioned earlier, you played a positive role in my college career and I will do anything to pay you back (even though nothing could ever come close). I'm a phone call, text message, or door knock away at all times.
So congratulations, graduate. Go try new things, move to a place you might not know as well as your familiar college town, expand your knowledge, and change the world. Because I have no doubt in my mind that I will always be proud to say that I know you. I couldn't be leaving the world in better hands.