Dear Sissy,
You did it. You survived!!
Congratulations on completing your first semester at the University of Maryland. I am so beyond proud of you. I know how difficult this semester has been for you. Transferring from a community college to a state university can be tough. However, you held your own sissy and to that we must celebrate.
After weeks of stress, studying, crying, and studying again you finally conquered your final exams and made it out alive. It wasn't so bad, right? To get you prepared for this long break I made a list of essential things for you to do now that you have successfully completed your first semester:
1. Sleep!!!
Honestly, get as much sleep as you can. Do not take this for granted. You have earned it. All those late nights you spent cramming have left you broken and sleep deprived. It’s time to make up for all that lost sleep by going into some much needed hibernation.
2. Spend Some Quality YOU Time!
You haven’t been able to do anything for yourself since the start of the semester. Everyday you have been buried in your textbooks and locked away in your room. It is you time now. Go out and have some fun! Treat yo self boo boo.
3. Catch Up With Your Friends!
Remember your friends? Those people you call “friends from high school,” yeah them..go hang out with them! Grab some lunch, talk about life, rekindle your friendships - it could be good for you.
4. Get Ready For Vacation!
In a couple of days (just as soon as I finish my exams) we will be on an airplane going to Lebanon - relaxation, fun, family, and more fun. Leave all your worries behind and enjoy a month of pure sissy time. How exciting!!
5. Get Ready For The New Semester!
I know, I know. I have to get into big sister mode though. It is very important that you are well prepared for the second semester. It may seem like it is forever from now but second semester will come flying at you out of nowhere. Take the time to prepare a little beforehand. Finalize your schedule, get all your books, look at your syllabus for your classes as soon as they are posted, etc. This semester you were transitioning but now that you have learned the ways you must learn from the mistakes of the past and aim higher - achieve greater. You know you will achieve great things little one!
I am very confident that you will do great here at UMD. You are an extraordinary young woman who will accomplish extraordinary things. I have watched you grow every single day into the intelligent person you are. I have no doubt in my mind that you are capable of accomplishing anything you put your mind to. Stay focused, stay strong, stay confident. Here’s to semester number two!
Love you always,
Big Sissy