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How People Lie with Facts

Facts are information that is true, but we could also lie with these facts and many people may not even notice.

How People Lie with Facts

Did you know that people who are shorter than 5 feet are significantly dumber than people who are taller than 5 feet? This is scientifically proven to be true even though height and intelligence have no connection what so ever, so why is there this correlation? Simple, toddlers and children are all under 5 feet, and when you account for them in the testing population, the results would be significantly skewed. See how I lied to you just there? Without this piece of information that toddlers and children, most people would just assume that adults who are short are just dumber which is not true. What I claimed previous is true, but it's not specific and could mislead people to assumptions that are false.

With the World Wide Web growing at such a fast pace and the advancement of technology people could gain access to most information with just one single tap. People are generally clever on how to avoid false information and spot lies that derive from false information, but the real killer of the information on the internet is biased information. So many sources including the media, articles, blogs, etc. include information that's heavily skewed towards one perspective while omitting the information that isn't supporting their perspective. This in many ways is used by commercial advertisements, sales, and propaganda that's used to persuade people to support their cause or do something they want. For example, I was surfing Amazon earlier today and was trying to apply for one of that fifty dollar off cards. What they told be was that I could save fifty dollars on anything I brought along with some other benefits, but what they didn't tell me was that I needed to apply for a credit card provided by Amazon with interest percentages that I didn't like. The information Amazon gave me was true, but the lack of information on fees and interests makes it a lie.

Turning to a more political perspective, Trump is using the same tactics to promote how well he is doing. As a successful business man, he knows all the tricks in the book with bias and bending information to favor his cause. For example, he claims that the industry is booming and the economy is turning out better with more jobs created in the US with more "made in US" products. We only see the positive outcomes of his actions, but what about the negative outcomes? That's the part where many people are omitting and where people are choosing to omit because of their priorities. Any action done will have a cost, and a benefit and the same goes for expanding the industry. We create a lot of jobs in the US, but how much money will companies lose due to the trade war with China? He expanded the American industry for the largest profit possible, but what about the environmental impact? Can we estimate the amount of damage it's doing to the environment? Yet these questions are not within his concerns with him pulling out of the Paris Climate agreement and just denying a report about the dangers of climate change that was generated by hundreds of scientists. We see all the propaganda about how well the economy is developing for the US but have we thought of the damages and cost we've done by doing this?

Many of us conform to confirmation bias which is when we only listen to the information that supports our side and thus fail to listen to the other side of things, creating a generation of ignorance and selfishness. Whenever we fail to listen to the other side of an issue even though we are presented with facts we are being lied to. When we don't want to listen to the other side of an issues because it doesn't support what we think that's called ignorance. When we hear what the other side is saying on an issue and denying their claims only because it doesn't support your priorities that called hopelessness.

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