Why have I decided to write this article about "Suicide of an American Child"? According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the US, and white males account for seven out of ten suicides in 2014 as the rate of suicide is highest in middle-aged white men in particular. While these numbers are alarming, I want to emphasize another aspect I tend to hold accountable behind American suicides: a deficiency in confidence, trust, and brotherhood among the entire nation.
It's a perceived belief that confidence and trust are no longer vital to the people of America.
In my opinion, many people prefer to commit suicide or give up on commitments instead of seeking comforts from others. People are no longer trustworthy enough to share life's secrets, struggles, and concerns with. Even the FBI can't handle the truth anymore. The more powerful one is, the more unlikely it is to rely on others to seek assistantship, help or comfort.
In the case of white males, one side of the game is rigged. Considering class hierarchization, white males are seen as the most powerful individuals in America. This attribution seems be a burden to many white males from low-income families. There is a high unlikeliness for them to step up and seek help when needed. The resiliency they exhibit has its limits. For instance, the other day, one of my friends noticed a white male co-worker in tears and trying to hide. When asking him if he was okay, he would reply "No worries -I am just hungry". Actually, nobody knows what was going inside of him. Also, investigation of what he was going through is not an easy task: most Americans don't want you to ask them too many questions or learn about their struggles -otherwise you risk being sued. Such situation shades the way to come in help to them when they are in need of it.
Another aspect of the game is explained by a lack of confidence and trust between all of us as a society. I, myself, actually trust no one but the Highest(s). Don't blame it on me if I am so reluctant in sharing my life's SECRETS, STRUGGLES, AND CONCERNS with whoever. They say the secret is never hidden. But there exist truths that are not worth sharing even with our closest allies when being trusted by someone else. Does it really work this way? Probably not. People are more doubtful toward one another as never before nowadays for many reasons.
They say Counseling Services, but, believe me, they look at you and judge you by appearance to find a way to respond to your issues instead of framing an appropriate and impartial response. They say "you're welcome", but a sentiment of high hypocrisy still prevails in their mind. They say "you look nice" when they should be telling you "your clothes don't match", "you need a better haircut", or "you look too fancy". They applaud you, because they are expected to, but not because they are satisfied. They serve you because serving brings honor and enrich one's CV to the expenses of the one served, but not because they have a dedication to serving with a pure heart. They are smiling at you when you think they are smiling to you. They reject any offer from you pretending they are being satiated or unneedy when actually the rejection is better explained from a sexist, racist, or social class differences standpoint.
From such assumptions, I tend to believe that whoever understands the level of hypocrisy and inauthentic ways of acting and reacting by others often tries one's best to prevent being served -fear of not being hurt, disrespected, or vandalized after. When it comes to extremist people who exhibit too much pride from within, they prefer to end their lives instead of seeking for comfort. At the end, there exists at least one person worth trusting: if you can't find one, trust yourself and be the change you wish to see in the world. By doing so, you may not prevent a white male from using white male supremacism as an excuse to suicide, but you can make a lot of differences in many other lives. Be true to yourself, and let others find a refuge in you: which can result in one less suicide in the world.