That first time I met you,
Sweet and caring,
Kind and Welcoming,
You took me under your wing.
Your guiding hand
Was there when I was troubled.
I felt comfortable,
I took comfort
Knowing you were there.
Time went on,
Our friendship was changing.
Some good changes,
Some bad changes.
I was naive,
I didn't realize
That I made a mistake.
I made a mistake
Of not following
The familiar sensation
That something was off.
I had a gut feeling
That something wasn't right,
That there was something
That was being hidden from me.
Your true colors,
They didn't stay hidden
For very long
After that dreaded day.
For months you fooled me.
For months,
You lead me to
A terrible place.
You took advantage
Of the young, Naive girl
That was standing
Right in front of your face.
You saw a chance,
Then you leaped.
I never had a chance.
After months of friendship,
After months of hiding
Behind a mask,
You slowly started
To show the real you.
That one night
Changed our entire friendship.
You showed your
True intentions.
You broke the trust
That I had in you.
You deceived me,
Made me feel
Like I did something wrong.
You took advantage
And made me think
I actually deserved
What you did to me.
I hid behind closed doors.
I had so much trouble
Opening up to others
After that dreadful night.
Months and months
Of significant trust issues
Caused many relationships
To be destroyed.
How could I have known
That a friendship
That started off so well,
Would turn into something
So dreadfully terrifying?
How could I have known
That someone who
I thought I could trust
Would hurt me
The way that you did,
Damage me the way
You damaged me.
I was broken,
I was destroyed,
I was devastated.
It took me too long
To finally find myself again,
It took me too long
To get my confidence back.
Now that I'm finally confident
In the person that I've become,
Now that I'm finally confident
In knowing that I'm tough,
I can go through life
With a better mindset
Because of you.
I'm strong and independent,
I'm tough and I'm beautiful.
I may not look the way that
I'm told I need to look
By the ugly society
That I'm surrounded by,
But that doesn't matter.
I don't need to fit
Into the standards
That society tells me
That beauty looks like
In order to be
My own kind of beautiful.
Confidence and independence,
Self love and self respect,
These are all
More attractive in a female,
Than these troubling standards
That society sets on us.
So many females are told
That if they don't look
The way that models do,
If they aren't
These impossible standards
Of physical beauty,
Then they aren't attractive.
Since when did we become a society
That focuses more on looks
Than the personality,
The confidence,
The self love,
The mental well being
Of the females
That we are surrounded by.
Physical beauty isn't worth anything
If the emotional and mental beauty
Is completely trashed.
You taught me how to love
This broken, yet mended
Person that I am.
You broke me,
But I fixed myself.
You tore me apart,
But I was confident,
I have self love,
And I put myself
Completely back together.
I took who I was before,
The person that you made me,
And I made something better.
I am not who you made me.
I am who I created
Myself to be.
My confidence,
My self love,
That's all that matters.
That's who I am now.
So I want to thank you
For helping me
To become a better me.
For tearing down the old me,
So that I could rebuild myself.
You may have destroyed me,
But I'm a new creature
Because I was brave
And I let my creator
Help mold me
Into a whole new person.
I came out stronger,
I came out more beautiful.
So thank you.