Everyone has met a few superstitious people along the way. Growing up, we avoided black cats, walking under ladders, and stepping on cracks so we wouldn’t break our mothers’ backs. Some people took these events very seriously to keep at peace with the world. Although these seem somewhat silly to me, there are other instances where I feel compelled to act a certain way because I am very superstitious.
Dictionary.com defines the word superstition as “a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like”.
Everyone has their own reasoning behind their good-luck charms and other superstitious behaviors. I believe that I am superstitious because its nice to think that a simple action could bring good karma my way. We don’t have control over the majority of the aspects of our lives, so the idea that we could influence what happens is intriguing to me.
The “11:11 Wish” is one of my favorites. When the clock turns 11:11 (AM or PM), you are supposed to make a wish. This is the only time on the clock that has all the same digits. The fascination with 11:11 is very popular and usually appeals to people because of the numbers themselves. The alignment of the number one’s reflects alignment in the world. People use this time to pause and reflect on the world around them and wish on the lucky set of numbers.
Not only is it possible to find luck for yourself in superstitions, but its possible to leave it for other people as well. Finding a “Lucky Penny” is by mere chance (and a keen eye). The idea is that a lucky penny is found by chance and it’s only considered lucky if it’s heads up. If you come across one, you are to pick it up and hold on to it for some good karma. So what happens if you find a penny in the street that is heads down? Flip it over and leave it where you found it for someone else to find good-luck!
Aside from actions that will bring you positive reinforcement, there are also superstitions to keep the unwanted things away. "Knocking on wood" is a familiar action so you don't jinx yourself after saying something. For example, if I told you I haven't been sick in months, I would find something wooden nearby and knock on it to avoid getting sick in the near future. For me, this superstition is almost a compulsion. Even if I can't find something wooden around me, I still utter the phrase in my head!
There are plenty of superstitions related to astrology, also. The Zodiac is a sphere divided into 12 parts, and it is known that the sun travels along a path in this sphere. Your Zodiac sign can be determined by your birth date and finding which division you were born in. The superstitious part of this event lies in the reading of your horoscope. Your Zodiac horoscope will give you insight into what you may encounter everyday, depending on the location of the moon and sun in reference to your sign. Shooting stars are also superstitious, since it is said that a wish upon one of these is guaranteed to come true.
Although relying on balls of gas floating across the night sky and dirty change found on the sidewalk isn't your best bet for good health and prosperity, it's fun to think these things can alter the chain of events in your life. Maybe you'll think twice next time you glance at the clock at 11:11 and give these superstitions a chance.