From a very early age I have been obsessed with clothes and dressing up. I remember spending hours walking through the mall looking for picture day or Easter outfits. It is a hobby and a passion that my mom and I have always shared. We love shopping, but we love low prices even more. Being addicted to shopping and being broke in college are very contradictory things, but I have managed to somehow make it work. From recycling different articles of clothing for years to learning how to dig through the sale rack, it is possible to be both a shopaholic and a college student. Some people call us shallow, but to me, dressing well is self-expression and an immediate confidence boost. I love finding affordable fashion and the challenges that come along with it! After all you know what they say, "You can never be overdressed or overeducated."
1. You're a "Maxxinista" and you are not ashamed.
Places like T.J. Maxx and Marshall's are your safe haven. You love digging through the endless racks for hidden treasures. Who cares if it's last years stuff when you can score a Free People sweater for 30 bucks instead of 120?
2. You never get rid of anything.
Your closet just keeps overflowing with things from freshman year of high school (and some things are even older than that). It is hard to let go of your favorite items, and it's impossible not to think, hey, it might come back in style in a few years!
3. You have justifications for buying things for certain prices.
Take the price, divide it by how many times you'll wear it. And that's how much it actually costs. So a $20 dollar dress is actually $5 if you know you will wear it at least four times. Duh.
4. You have maximum prices you will spend.
My rule of thumb is that if its just a regular piece of clothing I won't pay over $22. If it is for a special occasion I will not pay over $40. But you cannot really put a price cap on shoes. I mean they are shoes.
5. You love to work retail (for discounts).
Being surrounded by clothes, shoes and jewelry is fun. Plus 30 percent off the dress you have been drooling over isn't bad either.
6. Your "closet" at college is way too small.
I don't know about you, but I am constantly having to take clothes home and bring clothes back to have enough room in my dorm room closet. Seasonal visits back and forth don't cut it.
7. Your roomies/sorority sisters are always trying to borrow your clothes/jewelry.
Many of your friends come to you saying, "hey, dress me." And you almost always have perfect options for their fashion needs. You also have SO much fun playing dress up with them.