When it comes to styling hair, I’m utterly clueless. But I have a steely resolve. I was determined to cosplay Rey at Halloween Howl, and by Kenobi, I wouldn’t let such a silly thing keep me from doing that. The moment I lifted the top half of my hair to pull into a messy bun, I was struck with a thought: Rey performed this ritual every day for 15 years. She was left out in the deserts of Jakku to fend for herself, no parents, no friends.
She was alone in every sense of the word.
Suddenly my masquerade became something much deeper. Not only was I cosplaying the galaxy’s newest heroine, I was also putting on the guise of a young woman who has stayed strong for far too long. In her shoes, I learned a lot — about courage, friendship, and myself.
I felt silly being one of the few costumed college students. But Halloween Howl wasn’t about us — it was about bringing joy to the children in our community. So, I swallowed my pride with the hopes that I’d bring a smile to someone’s face. Turns out, I did. Several little girls — some also dressed as Rey — eagerly ran to me so that they could greet their hero. Like Rey herself, each of them had the courage to step out of their comfort zones and pursue their passions with unmatched enthusiasm. Adorable and inspiring, all at once.
Rey’s outfit is more complicated than it appears: all the sashes and belts tend to get tangled if I’m not careful. My sorority sisters were willing to perform inspections to make sure my presentation was flawless. They are consistently there to support my (sometimes unbounded) ambitions, and I make sure to return the favor. Our friendship didn’t just sprout up one day — it grew with every minute. We're just like Rey and her squad: Finn, Poe, BB-8 and, of course, Chewie. Our separate journeys and struggles had brought us to a place where we, together, could fend off any challenges that life (or the Dark Side) may throw our way.
Why did I choose to cosplay Rey? Well, there’s a bit of a physical resemblance. That’s not my main reason, however. I cosplayed her to explore a side of myself that I otherwise keep hidden — my unconquerable spirit. In the past, I have been scared — even cowardly, some would say — and indecisive. But I have also been far braver than anyone, or myself, can ever imagine. Like Rey, I refused to let my fears and anxieties define me, and I pushed forward with my end goal in mind. All those times I had felt lonely, though indescribably painful in the moment, shaped my attitude on life and led me to become a more compassionate person.
Rey’s story is a valuable lesson for us all — despite your circumstances, you can take charge of your own destiny and help others to do the same. Inspiration is truly the most powerful force of all.